Adalgisoan Culture

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Adalgiso inspired so many men and women in the ancient Qwarztian civilization that even women persuaded Adalgiso to fight for Raisptheim against the rebelling territories and armies, though the 1st ancient Qwarztian civilization (known as Adalgisoan) believed in many phenomenons such as every rumor release from a man's mouth is spread up to religious human beheadings, Adalgisoan culture believed that the less clothing the more holier and had many superstitions though the Eldwin Adalgiso was exempted to these beliefs and wore finest clothing to conceal an holy ark light that may bring terror to whoever may see it.
Adalgisoan believed in 1 biggest God, and believed that God is the entire universe and controls the time cycle of the world.
Mutmuul'tak = Adalgisoan God of all
Adalgisoan believed that Mutmuul'tak reigned everwhere, in the seas, the stars and lands. Eldwin Adalgiso prayed to him every night and day of his reign and so did Derek and Dagna, one of the famous recorded prayers of Adalgiso was:
"Light; Put us in the peace
Love; Place hope in the hearts of my children (people)
Mutmuul'tak guide death away from the noble ways of my people"
Trivia: The main commandment in the Adalgisoan civilization: Future Kings and Queens were only choosen by ancenstry, due to because of this future civilization broke this rule and a hail of curses were hurled upon the land.

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