[Adalgiso Age]

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Raisptheim was inhabited by the first early Germanic tribes, by the 7th and 8th century only when Philosophy and Domestication of animals was developed in Raisptheim, a germanic warrior had taken up the place of being king, as the population agreed with their civilization being a monarchy.
=====First King: Eldwin Adalgiso=====
Eldwin was a nobleman, warrior, and a merchant he was elected as king after the population let go of their old germanic beliefs and embraced a new ideology reclaimed by Eldwin, by the time Eldwin there was already an arranged affair by him and his beloved. One of his major contributions to the Qwarztian Monarchy was army, and the mass production of literature in the Monarchy, though his reign cut short by his obession with war and costed him his life. His 2 sons were the ones were elected to the throne when they have turned 18.
After that the Adalgiso age ended and now with 10th century-half of the century
●Eldwin: II (also known as Eldwin of integrity)●
Eldwin Derek was Adalgiso's first born and brother of Eldwin Dagna, his younger sister. Derek had different views of the world and different views from his father, he tacticalized the army and made it more formidable and Derek was the first king to ever discovered the Crysallis, a major medicinal herb in Qwarztian medical courses and contributed heavily on medication. At the time the civilization suffered famines due to the overtake of the Kauserian Legion from the Qwarztians, due to this the population was not happy with the lack of effort Derek gave to the civilization and was pressured heavily by his mother and Dagna, though before his finals days he had created scriptures seamingly from the gods to atleast bring light on his shadiest part, his life was cut short by Dagna assasinating him, he lived once more but after confrontation to the public he commited suicide. Thus no worthy daughter or son was in the household Dagna senteced to execution by savages in the foreign tribes, mother had died ill.

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