"I've waited years to finally be able to do this." A male voice announces proudly and the scent of blood intensifies as I still next to a broken elevator, just a few steps away from the entryway to a ward. "The last of your family kin. I must admit it's been quite a rush hunting you down, going from town to town. Waiting. Stalking. Like a lion and it's prey." The man notes, a dark tone to his voice and there's this almost inaudible sound that follows like a rush of wind followed by the clinking of metal rubbing against metal. "But I think the time has come for the hunt to end."

"You're sick." A hoarse voice replies, and I stop myself from letting out a sigh of relief when I realize that it's her and that despite the fact that she probably should be, she's not dead.

"Maybe." He replies dryly and the sound makes me draw my claws, swallowing down a growl as I silently shift. "But revenge is the best medicine." He adds, his menacing laugh only interrupted by Y/n's shallow coughing and as she shifts around more it becomes clear that the metal sound is coming from her restraints.

"Get it over with." She says and I take a few steps forward, remaining completely soundless as I inch my way closer to the entryway. "What's one more in comparison to an entire town." She says and scoffs. "You'll be doing me a favor, really. No more running, no more looking over my shoulder, no more hiding. You'll just be putting an end to a sad existence filled with nothing but emptiness. Why do you think no one has come looking for me yet?" She says and I carefully steal a glance around the wall, seeing Y/n tied to a chair on the furthest end of the ward, the man sitting in a chair in front if her, human as well, hands holding onto something in his lap.

"Shut up." The man commands calmly.

"Because no one cares. There is no one to care. No one will notice. No one will mourn." She tells him, chains tightening around her waist as she leans forward. "All this time and you'll have accomplished nothing. You've waisted and entire decade and for what? A ghost?" She coughs lightly and then sits back in her chair with a shrug. "I died with this town, and you should know by now that you can't kill the dead twice."

"I said, shut up!" The man demands and Y/n flinches when he launches forward, gripping her head with one hand as the other holds a dagger against her neck. "I will kill you and I will savor every moment; you will not take this victory away from me." He explains and despite the fact that I'm hidden surprisingly well, I catch Y/n's eyes, her face filling with dread instead of relief when she sees me, and I frown in reply. "You will fear your death, sweet Y/n, I will break you."

"What is a blade against claws." She whispers softly and the man loosens his grip lightly as he furrows his brows. "You're more of a monster than they could ever be." She turns against the blade, a line of blood following as it breaks the surface of her skin. "And I hope you rot in hell because of it." She says through gritted teeth and looks back towards me with a pained nod, closing her eyes as I rush forward and rip him away from her, throwing the blade across the room before grasping my claws around his neck and swiftly breaking it, his heartbeat fading as he falls to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask after a lingering second, wiping the blood from my hands as I shift back to human. I turn around to look at her, her breathing quicker than a second ago as she opens her eyes to look up at me, just barely managing to shake her head and I choose to look past the multiple wound and blood stains on her clothes and somehow meet her gaze, eyes softening when I do.

"The chains." She notes numbly and I nod briefly before moving to rip them away, throwing them to the floor as she leans onto her knees, hands shaking as she wipes them against her pants, carefully looking over to where the man's body lays and then lets out a soft rush of air.

"Who was he?" I ask and bend down to remove the chains from her feet as well.

"A fanatic." She replies simply and I pause to silently ask her for more information. "You think Beacon Hills is the first town to have werewolves fighting against humans?" She asks and then immediately shakes her head, scoffing softly. "This town used to be just like yours, humans and supernatural creatures living together in peace and then a group of fanatics decided to take out all the families with werewolf bloodlines- even the humans. I was sent away before they could get to us, but it's quite clear how it ended." She says, clutching her stomach as she coughs softly, blood staining her hand as she does.

"Is he the last one?" I ask and she nods. "Good, because if you were kidnapped a second time, I would have not been the one to come and get you." I say and she smiles slightly.

"You could've left me." She says and I scoff.

"You know I couldn't." I say and stand up. "Besides, I clearly don't hate you half as much as I thought I did." I admit and she nods numbly as she attempts to stand up, stumbling into me as I delicately fold my hands around her waist to catch her.

"Neither do I." She says and I move one hand to gently tuck the hair behind her ear to reveal her face, her brave glare from earlier disappearing completely as she looks up at me through her lashes. "Thank you for coming, Derek." She says softly, almost whispering as I move her the slightest bit forward, her hand shaking as she lifts it to my neck where she nimbly pulls my face towards hers, lips meeting in the middle as they move together in a whisper of a kiss. She pulls away reluctantly. "I would really like to go home." She tells me, smiling as I rest my forehead against hers. "And we need to tell Scott and Stiles to postpone that surprise party." She adds and I laugh softly as we pull away to look at each other.

"Happy birthday." I say and she smiles.

"Oh, it's been eventful." She tells me promptly and then pulls away even more, tilting her head to cough and I nod to myself as I carefully move to pick her up into my arms, her head resting against my shoulder as she reluctantly gives into my hold. "I still don't like you, Derek Hale." She whispers, eyes closed as we take on the stairs. I smile as her arms wrap around my neck. "I just don't particularly hate you." She adds and I nod.

"I don't hate you either." I say and she laughs lightly, barely, her heartbeat slowing just slightly as she starts drifting off. "I don't think I've ever hated you." I whisper and shake my head, knowing damn well that this woman will very well be the death of me. 


I love this. I'm sorry, that sounds kind of weird since I wrote it, but man I love this. I know I added a lot of shit to your request, like a lot, but I just got caught up in this idea and ran with it, so I really hope you like it too and please let me know what you think. 

Lots of love. Mxx. 

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now