I smirked, "Follow Me, and Smile, are always on my playlists," I told him, peeking at him before looking back at my word search.

Dini groaned from where she lay on the ground, "If you are going to talk, can you please not do it over me while I am trying to tan?" she asked, a cross between charming and annoyed. That made me give a brief giggle.

"Have you and Dini hit the waves yet?" Doug asked around his two friends, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged, "Dini doesn't feel like hitting the waves. I guess she is simply now suffering the effects of those drinks from last night", I told him. She sat up quickly on the beach towel and raised her sunglasses to glare at me.

"No, Dini isn't handling the drink effects," she spoke about herself in the third person causing Doug to smirk. "Dini solely doesn't desire to hit the waves yet. Maybe tomorrow" with that being stated. She laid back down and flipped her shades back down over her eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her and finished up my word search before sticking it into my beach bag; I sat up straight in the chair with a sigh and crossed my ankles.

"If you don't want to hit the waves alone, I will go with you," Doug offered, I waved off his offer with my hand and took a drink from my travel mug. I raised it and shook at him with a 'See this?' face. He got the idea and nodded before sitting back into his chair.

There are certain things I don't do and drink, drive and drink being the major ones, this one time Dini and I were drinking before going surfing and I threw up from all the motion.

Yeah, so I do not want to do that once more.

My phone buzzed in my purse and I reached down to grab the phone, I slid up my screen and put in my pin before hitting the message notification.

Will: Hey.

I looked at my phone in disbelief before deleting the message and dumping the phone back into my bag; I crossed my arms and put on a stern expression that only required Zeke to eye me in confusion.

"Are you okay?"

I shrugged and faced him "Just some Facebook stalker" I lied as I gazed out at the water. Men. Why were they so hard to figure out?

Suddenly, I stood up and stretched my arms, searching around "Does anyone know where the surfboard rentals are?" I asked, changing my mind about not surfing. Zeke shrugged sipping his beer while Doug looked around himself. Sawyer was the one to stand and walk towards me.

"Come on, I'll show you."

Dini raised her shades, smirking at me and glancing at Sawyer, I just rolled my eyes at her as I followed behind Sawyer to the rentals.

Why couldn't one of the other two show me where the rentals are? This guy is unbelievable... Well, maybe charming and a little hot, but I constantly find myself staring at his blue eyes. One thing was for certain, though.

He has a cute butt, too.

I stopped for a moment in my tracks. Did I think that? Then I shook my head at the thought. Seriously, Lily? The guy lied just last night and you are going to think about how cute his butt is? I had to laugh at myself, which only caught his attention.

"What?" he asked, suspicious.

I shrugged as I raced to keep up with him, "Nothing," I told him as we approached a small shack. We moved up to the line to wait.

"It must be something for you to just burst out laughing like that." Shit.

I looked away from him as I noticed the rental surfboards and shrugged, "I might have ... Thought about someone having a cute rear end and it made me laugh. Hey, don't judge me" I said when he granted me an eyeful and started laughing.

He had his hands up in defense, "Sorry. I truly wasn't expecting that," he said with a chuckle, I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. He smirked, "So, was it the lifeguard, the guy at the rental counter, or me?"

The lifeguard was cute, but he wasn't that cute. He had short shaggy dark brown hair, no shirt on, swim trunks, and looked cute, but he wasn't my type. The dude at the rental counter had graying hair, wore a Hawaiian shirt, and was flirting with the younger women.

And as for Sawyer...

I hid a blush by looking around at the beach, "The lifeguard" I lied, no way was I about to tell him it was him. That would be awkward and embarrassing.

Sawyer smirked, "Aw, do I need to move out-of-the-way so you can flirt?" he teased as we moved up one in line. I shrugged as I gazed upward at him. His eyes showed laughter.

"No. He isn't that cute."

"Only his butt?"

"Only his butt." I agreed as I peered up at the surf rentals.

I tucked my hair behind my ear as we made our way up to the counter. The old man gave a smile "What can I get you, honey?" he asked. Sawyer looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I cast my eyes at him and smiled sweetly at the old man.

"The gray and pink surfboard." I set down the money as the man rang for a teenage boy to get the surfboard down, the old man picked up the money and put it away before giving me a change of five dollars and the receipt.

The teenager came out with the surfboard and gave it to me, as I thanked the boy I could hear Sawyer behind me asking for a surfboard that was a dark greenish.

I turned as he paid the old man and raised an eyebrow at him, "You surf?" I questioned.

He shrugged, "Some. I sort of suck at it, but it can be fun," he said, grabbing his receipt and striding towards me to wait on his surfboard. I smirked up at him as the teenager got out with the board.

"Isn't that all that matters on vacation? Having fun?"

Sawyer glanced down at me as we picked up our boards and began walking back down to the guys and Dini. He smiled a bit "Yeah. I suppose you're right," he said as we walked.

I stared at my surfboard then back at Sawyer, an idea forming in my head.

"Wanna make a deal?"

"That depends on what the deal is," he said as we drew near the others, we leaned our boards up against the back of my beach chair and I eyed him in seriousness.

"The individual who gets wiped out must pay for dinner tonight, for all of us."

He seemed to be thinking about that for a moment before grinning and nodding his head. "All right, you're on Elizabeth," he stated, holding his hand out for a handshake. I put my hand in his and gave a firm shake.

This would be like taking candy from a child.

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