"who are you?"

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this is dedicated to sienna because i love them very much :)


it was a normal day for Karl. he had just finished one of his time travel adventures, he awoke back in his well known room. he picks up his journal and begins to write about his findings. he leans back in his chair as he thinks, he accidentally leans back too far sending him and the chair flying down to the floor. "ow" Karl yells as he stands up, propping the chair back up.

"Karl? Is everything okay down there?" An unfamiliar voice says from above karl's room. the voice was so unfamiliar yet so comforting... like it filled him with warmth and made him feel safe. but who was this? and why are they in karl's library?

"yes everything's okay! who are you? why are you in kinoko kingdom?" karl asks softly, he thought he sounded as nice as possible. i mean this could be a murderer or something..

"it's sapnap! when are you going to be done down there? quackity and i were discussing dinner plans" the unfamiliar voice says. "sapnap? that name feels so.. familiar yet so unfamiliar. that makes no sense. and who's quackity? and why do i need to discuss dinner plans with them? were they knew members to kinoko kingdom that george forgot to mention?"karl thought.

"i'm sorry your name is not familiar! are you one of george's friends? if you are a new i'd love to help you around! badboyhalo is an amazing builder if you need a house!" karl says in a soft and loving voice.

"don't be silly karl, it's sapnap! are you okay? shall i come down?" the so called sapnap says, as he pulls open the wooden trapdoor of karl's room.

"NO!" karl exclaims. sapnap drops the trapdoor.

"okay karl, please come up here. i want to make sure you are okay" sapnap says in such a loving tone. karl feels so warmed by his words, but why? this was a complete stranger after all... karl decides to put his journal down and climb up the ladder towards sapnap. he pulls open the trap door revealing a medium height man with black hair. a white bandana tied across his forward and into his long hair. karl felt his stomach twirl at the sight of the man, however he thought nothing of it. he thought he could just be feeling sick, he did just travel through time after all...

"Karl are you feeling okay? did you hit your head? come here baby..." sapnap says, walking closer to karl. sapnap places a hand on karl's forehead to check his temperature. karl steps back in shock. "baby?"

"yes i'm feeling okay, i'm sorry i feel so rude but based on the pet name we know eachother well? i feel like i'm blanking, but how did we meet? i'm sorry if i have offended you" karl's mind twists and turns as he tries to remember the man who stood in front of him. he felt like he was blanking, like he had a patch of his memories missing.

"Karl. i'm your fiancé! sapnap! we met years ago when you moved to lmanburg..." sapnap seemed clearly distressed and upset. karl's heart broke for him, and himself. "fiancé? what?"

"your jumper... the colours changed... oh Karl what happened?" sapnaps eyes begin to trickle with tears.

karl's brain hurt. did he forget his fiancé? did he really forget something? he couldn't even remember the males name before, but apparently they were to wed? karl's heart broke for sapnap, he didn't want to have forgotten him. he knew he would forget things, he learnt that from the inbetween. i guess what he was doing to prevent it didn't work as well as expected...

"i'm so sorry sapnap, i can't remember you... or the guy you spoke of before... quack something? i'm so sorry if i've hurt you i truly don't mean to" karl felt so bad for poor sapnap.

"oh karl don't apologise! let me help you try to remember!" sapnap says as he wipes the tears from his red cheeks. sapnap puts his hands out in front of karl for him to take. karl reluctantly placed his hand over the top of sapnaps. his stomach fills with butterflies as sapnap pulls him with a strong grip out of the library.

"long ago, when you first moved to lmanburg, we met. and you met quackity too, he is amazing... all three of us fell in love! we got engaged and moved here to kinoko kingdom. do you remember kinoko kingdom? and lmanburg?" sapnap pulls karl along through the wet grass.

"yes i remember kinoko kingdom, of course it's my country! and yes i remember lmanburg, it got blown up... it's so strange, i remember everything. i remember moving to lmanburg, but i just can't remember you or quackity, it's like there's a spot missing in my memory..." sapnap drops his hand, he pulls karl into a hug. karl can feel, and hear, sapnaps sobs. karl felt a bit uncomfortable being held by who he felt was a stranger, but he knew they had history. so he pulled sapnap in tighter. he felt so warm, and so safe.

karl suddenly fell to the grass, his eyes dropped closed as he passed out.

he sees nothing, just pitch black.

until he hears a familiar voice.

"sapnap? what happened to karl? is he okay?"

quackity. he knew it was quackity. he remembered. he remembered quackitys soft black hair, that he always tucked into a beanie or hat of some kind. karl remembered the rings quackity kept on his fingers. karl remembered what they represented.

he suddenly felt every part of his body. he felt the cold rings on his hand. he felt sapnaps strong hands holding him bridal style. he felt sapnaps heart beat against his own body.

karl tried to wake up, he tried to scream. he tried to yell at sapnap that he remembered, and that he was okay. but he couldn't. his body wouldn't let him move.

he was stuck inside his own mind and body.

he heard sapnaps voice, and quackitys. he heard them discussing things, and then he felt himself be dropped onto a bed lightly.


his eyes opened quickly. as soon as he noticed he was awake he quickly looked around for sapnap and quackity.

but they were nowhere to be found. karl jumps up and runs around his home.

"quackity!! sapnap!!" karl yells, his body ached. he felt like he hadn't walked in days.

"holy shit" quackity says as he notices karl in the kitchen. quackity runs towards karl and brings him into a tight embrace.

"are you okay quackity? can you tell me what happened? i just woke up on the bed alone.. last thing i remember was sapnap taking me home from outside the library!" quackity exits the embrace and looks at karl in the eyes. his own eyes being filled with tears, happy tears karl had hoped.

"yes karl i am okay, you lost some of your memory. a few weeks back. and you passed out, you just dropped down. and sapnap brought you here, and you've been like... asleep for weeks now. we've been waiting for you to get up. we expected you to forget us" quackity starts to properly cry. karl grabs his hand and holds it tightly.

"i could never forget you

i love you"

I love you - Karlnapity angstWhere stories live. Discover now