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3rd pov Again, after the third stage.

It's not like Takumi is used to being beaten up, he was not bullied often in middle or high school, despite his personality and his well known reputation for spacing off and not paying attention. He was occasionally ganged up on because the people decided to or he somehow bothered someone who was already pissed off, but he was never beaten everyday and so while he is used to being beaten and the pain that comes in with it, the pain is still strong and readily there. It was after a race with some challenger - it wasn't an actual race Ryosuke set up, just some people that decided to challenge them while they were there - and he had left to go get a drink, though he was still in the sight of his team, when a hand covered his mouth and pulled him behind the building the vending machines were in front of. 

Ryosuke and Keisuke feel the hairs on their necks stand up, while Tomiguchi, Shuichi and Fumihiro all shudder, chills down there back and Kenta is ready to go already, something in his gut saying something is going to go down. They all share glances and try to figure out what's wrong, but it takes them a moment and then Kenta opens his mouth.

"Where's Takumi?"

And suddenly everything makes sense. Everyone on the team had felt the ire and hatred aimed at Takumi, though they were pretending to be polite by challenging Keisuke in uphill as well, there problem is with Takumi. His car is a bit more dinged up than it ever is when he gets back - after winning, these guys aren't very good - and he keeps glancing at his opponent, something in his gaze conveying his anger even though he's normally calm. They had shared exasperated fond looks, but now they all share protective, angry looks as they all turn and face the area where Takumi should be, but is not. They all set off, spreading out and ready for anything. 

Takumi grunts as he's thrown to the ground, some branches from the forest digging into his skin, and he barely gets his hands up in order to avoid slamming his head into the ground. It doesn't do much good when a second later a foot slams onto his head and grinds it against the ground, pain flaring across his eyes in dots, and then the foot lifts up. Takumi goes to take a deep breath, but a foot smashes into his chest, and he can feel several ribs break, the breath knocked from him and forcing him to cough. He can feel a searing pain through his left side where the ribs had broken, but then more kicks and punches and hits start to fall and he can do nothing but curl up in order to protect himself from taking too much damage. 

They must get tired, because they stop attacking, but then something worse happens. Two crouch down and force one of his arms away from where it had been curled to protect his head, pinning it down on the ground, while several others pin the rest of his body. A single goon strolls to above him, standing next to his arm, and Takumi gets a bad feeling, just as the guy lifts his foot and stomps on his arm, again and again and again and again and again and ag- Crack! Takumi can't help the scream that tears from him as his arm snaps, dots dancing in his vision and adding to his collection of searing pain from his ribs, which just makes him wish he were unconscious. 

Project D all jerk from where they are, none of them all that far from where they started, when they hear a scream echo around them, a pain filled scream, in a voice none of them had ever wanted to hear. They all start to race in the direction of the voice, knowing even as they do that they will not be negotiating, they will simply be attacking and taking back their teammate. These fuckers had taken it too far and now not even Ryosuke - known for stopping fights - is willing to let these cowards, bastards, sons of bitches go free. Not while the scream of pain from their teammate plays in their ears and heads still, despite the fact that it's faded already. 

Takumi grunts as he is picked up, the hand around his collar barely choking him, but still. He can't quite see the person seeing him, but he doesn't need to to know the pain that's about to come onto him. He clenches his eyes, preparing himself for the blow to the head he's about to take, yet again, but before the person holding him can do it, several thuds resound through the little space where the building creates a dark enough spot for something like this. The guy holding him turns, keeping a hold of him, to see several of his goons down, and the other members of this kids team. 

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