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❝darling we're heaven and hell❞

there was something that the empress of curses had said that lingered in gojō's mind.

'what's your purpose, gojō-san?'

gojō's purpose was obvious; it was to keep the world's balance of forcing the curses to stay on the down-low.

he was a sorcerer and that's all he ever was.

but even he did sometimes wonder where and when did his sudden passion for protecting the weak had come from.

perhaps he was just bandwagoning with his past schoolmates, or he was just going with the flow of things.

maybe he was just doing it because he liked the praises and awes from those that knew of his status in the sorcerer world.

occasionally, very rarely, would gojō wonder what his life would've been if he were born a normal human without any powers.

"definitely a model", he cockily muttered to himself, grinning as he lazily sat up from his bed, checking the clock on his nightstand.

"already midnight? time for a snack!", the white-haired male grinned to himself as he got out of bed and checked his fridge.

to his disappointment, he had finished all his sweets the previous night.

"well shit".

gojō sighed as he messily combed through his locks with his thin fingers, debating whether his cravings were enough to make him head out and get some more.

"fuck it", he muttered as he slammed the door to his penthouse and walked towards the nearest sweets shop.

mid-march wasn't necessarily warm, but it brought along a little breeze.

gojō enjoyed walking at night in the empty roads that were poorly lit by the street lights since apparently people don't pay the government enough to fix the awkward flickering.

though what gojō savored the most was probably the peace and quiet that came along with it.

gojō was about to make a right turn before he momentarily paused, his head leisurely turning the opposite way as his feet continued pointing towards the right.

his body weight ever so slightly shifted along with his thoughts that had prompted him to take a left, to which he had given in, as there was an itch at the back of his mind.

MISS DEATH {s. gojo}Where stories live. Discover now