Chapter 13

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I woke up to the sound of laughter. Exept I haven't heard this laugh before.

I sat up and realized I was in my bed.
That's weird someone must have moved me.

I got out of bed only to reveal A totally Soaked through Pullup and Pee covered sheets.

I'm not sure how long I had been in my own bed but it had to be a while because my thighs were starting to burn.

I whined trying to walk, but I wasn't going to let it get the best of me. I brushed the pain off and opened the door.

As soon as I walked out I realized that there was a box sitting by my door. I couldnt think that much about it at the time because I was hurting.

I got to the stairs and took a step down.

I winced loudly as the throbbing pain as it worsened with every step I took.

"Gracie is that you!" I heard someone yell from the living room.

I stayed quiet.

Suddenly I felt someone pick me up. They had me under the arms and held me out where they wouldn't get wet.

"Yeah it's her" Whoever had me yelled.

I turned my head to reveal...

"Levi? Put me down!" I screamed.

"How'd ya sleep grapes?" He said completely ignoring my command.

"Good, now put me down!" I yelled and did a tad bit of kicking that only resulted in me getting a smack on the butt.

That didn't make me feel to good. Not only was I really starting to burn down there, there was someone else in the house. That I didn't know.

I got carried into the bathroom and sat in the toilet.

"Dont move okay, My girlfriend and her little brother is here. How about I see if my girlfriend helps you get dressed aye?," He said giving me a kiss on the fourhead.

Weird, Levi has always been nice and protective and crap but when has he ever been Loving towards me.

I remember when I use to be with Eric and... Mom I never got any attention. And I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

I then heard someone walk in.

She was about 5'4 with brown hair and green eyes. She had her hair pulled up into a messy bun and she was wearing sweats and a t-shirt that said 'Rock the south' on it.

"Hey pumpkin" she said in a southern voice.

"Um, Hi?," I said. Not really knowing what else to say.

"I'm levi's Girlfriend! Aren't you just tha cutest!" She said a little loud and started squeezing my cheeks.

"Haha" I had no reason to say that except for the fact that I was extremely uncomfortable.

Put it this way.

If you woke up and started to go down stairs. Got lifted from the ground and into the High grounds by ur older brother. Carried to the Bathroom and greeted by an Alabama looking and Acting Chick what would u say.

"Anywhoooo pumpkin! How about a bubble bath to wash all those germys away!" Ok now her voice is starting to give me a migraine.

I nodded.

She takes off my shirt and Pants.

"Well there!," She said.

I'm ready to smack a bitc- nvm..

Happy thought!!! All good things!!!  'What would be a good thing is to smack the-'

"Can I have something to drink," I said through clenched teeth.

"Not yet hunny" she said..

"Shit" I muttered.

"What-" she was cut off.

"Excuse me, Gracie just because we have company doesn't mean I won't Bust ur tail" Hunter Said walking in the room.

"Sorry," I really wasn't tho.

Anyway, Hunter came in to bring some clothes. And remember how I said I was gonna get a migraine. Yeah I have a headache now from her voice echoing in the room.

She turned around and slid my totally Soaked Pullup off.

So now I was standing naked in the middle of the bathroom.

Thank god Hunter had done left the room, I mean -it doesn't matter because he's my older brother and he's gave me a bath multiple times- it's just I can't deal with his smart ass right now.

She put me in the bath and I was relieved to have all the pee washed off my burning rash.

Now back to what I was saying. I love my brother don't get me wrong. It's just- Everything I do I get introuble for. And it's just not fair.

Now I know what your probably thinking.

'There just looking out for you, and want what's best'

I call Cap.

"All done!" She said lifting me out.

"What how-" I didn't even realize her wash my body or hair.

She wrapped me in a towel and pulled the plug. She had sat me on her hip so I wasn't going nowhere.

She picked up my clothes off of the toilet seat, and walked out.

She carried me to my room and layed me on my bed.

"Alrighty sugar, now I gotta put some cream on that nasty rash of urs okay?," She said.

"What no-," I said trying to sit up.

"Come on now it's not that bad!" She yelled.

"No!" I said kicking my legs.

"Gracie stop, and behave," Corey Said walking past my room.

"I don't feel good" I said.

"How about when I finish getting u dressed we see if u can take a nap" she said calmer this time.

"Yeah" I muttered and closed my eyes to think.

She put lotion on me.

Then I felt something cold on my thighs.

I opened my eyes again to see her putting cream on me.

I just stared at my ceiling. Couldn't get anymore boring.

I felt her slide something under me but I didn't think much about it.

Then she put my pajamas on and brushed my hair out.

I was carried down stairs to the kitchen half asleep. Well I say half asleep but I really don't know anymore.

I heard her open the cabinet up and grab something then open the fridge.

I guess I had fell asleep because next thing I know I was laying on Coreys chest while he was rubbing my back scrolling through his phone.

"Bubby?" I muttered around a yawn. Wait wtf did i just say!

"Shh, Gracie go back to sleep baby" he said rubbing my back in circles now.

I closed my eyes again.

If only I knew what was in-store for me when I woke up🤦🏻‍♀️

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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