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Bruce is sitting on the floor of his and Natasha's apartment, talking with Jen when he finally cuts to the chase;

"So, what's really going on."

"I want you to help Lucy," she says, almost in a whisper, with her head down.

"Help how?"

After four hours of sitting there together, catching up and reminiscing, she's still hesitant to blatantly explain her dilemma to her cousin. By now, her uneasiness in the "Lucy" topic isn't a secret to Bruce.

Walters runs her green tinged fingers up through her dark hair, her eyes still looking down, "Well. For starters; I think she might have powers."

Bruce twirls his glass, acknowledging Alex when he comes over and pushes his nose into Banner's shoulder, "Are we talking, green and angry powers? Or..."

"I haven't seen any physical changes manifest themselves due to tantrums, tears, happiness- she's just a normal girl."


She smirks nervously, "But her dad is a wolf and I' know; this fabulousness. When I met Tony at Manhattan Beach and he told me about the Jersey kids, it made me wonder. And I don't trust her with anyone but you. If anyone can figure out if she has abilities- that's you."

He clears his throat, chugging the rest of his water with his eyes looking at the glass, "I don't really love the idea of testing on her just because you think something might be wrong."

Jen opens her mouth, turning toward her cousin but stops- He looks triggered, thinking about his father and other previous tormentors. She shakes her head;

"Aww Doc, it's so much more than testing her. I love my daughter and I want you to love her. She doesn't know you, I'd like for you two to, you know bond. You're the only other family she has outside of her father and I. You're it. She doesn't have anyone else. If anything ever happened to John and I there's no one I'd trust more than you and Nat. I could get hunted down and shot at by a disgruntled client-."

"Don't talk like that."

"My point stands; I think she should know her guardian."

He's quiet when he thinks, lifting an eyebrow, "What is she into?"

Jen clasps her fingers and laughs, "Um...she likes dance?"

"She can bond with Nat over that. Does she like to read?"

She bites her cheek, suddenly afraid of his incoming questions, "Casting calls?"

"So no books."

"Some, books. She's not, the, 'straight A student I thought I would have...apparently John was the anti homework prankster his daughter is."

"Okay," he smiles nervously and lowers his chin.

"-Just. Give her a chance. For me? I think maybe being away for the summer might be good for her. Let her see that she has, family, outside of just her dad and I. Whether she has powers or not."

He nods, understanding how much this means to Jennifer. She wraps a larger arm up and over his shoulder. Alex runs to the door to greet the incoming Lucy and Izabella once Bruce answers the knock on the door with a "Come in!".

Mikhailov knows exactly where to find the apartment, and ensures that Lucy finds it with no problem. She waves and the girls hug 'goodbye'. Jen addresses her daughter who is playing with Alex;

"How was your movie?"

"Great! How was dinner with Uncle B?"

Bruce makes a face and looks at Jen, unsure if he likes his nickname, he whispers "'Uncle B'?"

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