[2] 𝘈 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

Start from the beginning

 "Hey Phil stop running!" Gilda yelled at him, trying to get him from tripping on his own feet 'Yup just like every day.' I thought to myself, setting the plates on the table
"Mark can you go help Y/n set the table?" I heard Mama ask from a couple of tables away from where I was. Something felt off about Emma, I saw her slightly tense at the sound of Mama's voice 'Why is she so jittery lately?' I thought, continuing to set the table, Mark helping me now

 "Hey Marky, can you put this plate on the other table?" I asked Mark, handing him a plate form the stack I was carrying

 "Okay Y/n!" Mark replied, raising his fist in the air 'Today is just like every day, but...' I thought, turning my attention to Emma and Norman 'But they seem off...'

- - -

'Looks like it's going to rain.' I thought to myself, looking at the sky that was painted with gray clouds, the air cold
"Y/n can you help gather all the children? We need to get them inside since it is going to rain." Mama asked me while I read to Yvette
"Sure Mama, Yvette you wanna finish reading inside in the library?" I asked her, standing up to get all of the kids.
"Yes! I want to find out what happened to Anne and Gilbert!" She said excitedly, running up to the little group of kids Mama managed to gather 'Okay that's everybody except...' I thought, counting all the kids that me and Mama had gathered up
"Hey there's two missing!" Gilda shouted, looking out at the forest as Mark ran from them, crying 'Poor baby, I wonder what happened to him I thought to myself, walking up to him with Mama
"Hey Marky, buddy, what happened, are you okay?" I asked him, bending down to his height
 "I-I got separated from N-Nayla in the f-forest and I l-looked everywhere a-and I couldn't f-find her!" He told me and Mama, crying
"Don't worry! Well find her, right Mama?" I said to the crying boy trying to comfort him while I turned to Mama who was beside me for reassurance
"Y/n's right, ill go find Nayla. Y/n  make sure everyone stays put, i'll be back." Mama said, walking off into the forest
 "Come on Mark let's go to the other kids." I said to the boy, grabbing his hand and holding it while we walked to the other kids who were worrying about Nayla...
"Ah!" Phil said, running up to Mama who had just come out of the forest, holding Nayla in her arms.



Mark and a few other kids ran up to Mama who was still walking up to the house.
"Seems like she just got tired and fell asleep, don't worry there's not a scratch on her." Mama told us while I looked at Mark
"See! I told you that well find her." I said to him looking at him
"THANK GOODNESS!" Mark yelled as he looked at Nayla 'He sure is happy.' I thought to myself, smiling at how worried he was for her. Everyone in the house was surrounded around Nayla who was still in Mamas's arms, exclaiming how happy they were that she was found Nayla, except Emma and Norman who were still at the top of the hill that we were standing at before with a horrified expression on their faces 'Why are they acting so weird lately?' I thought turning my attention back to the rest of the kids and Mama.

- - -

"Come on you slowpoke, I wanna find out if Anne and Gilbert get together!" Yvette told me as we were heading to the library. After we got all the kids inside we decided to go to the library and finish the book I was reading to her, leaving off on a cliffhanger of not knowing if the two characters were going to get together or not
"Okay, okay! I'm coming, wait Evy don't go and read without me I want to find out what happens too!" I yelled at her from a pretty good distance away from her, she was running at full speed towards the library with the book in her hands and was way ahead of me.
"Okay now Evy, don't go and run like that again without me, especially when you have a book I want to read," I told her, opening the doors to the library.
"Oh! Hey Ray!" Yvette exclaimed at Ray who was reading on the table that was in the library, he gave a wave towards our direction and looked at me for a few seconds before turning back to his book he was reading 'Didn't expect him to be here at this hour, I thought he was on kitchen duty.' I thought, giving him a glance and nodding to him before turning my gaze back to Yvette who was looking at me anxiously waiting for me to continue to read the book, called 'Anne of green gables'. She really wanted the two main characters to get together and was so anxious to read the next part,
 "Okay, Yvette before we finish reading we have to sit down, don't we?" I told her, motioning to the ladder that leads us to the second story of the library. (I tried attaching an image of what I'm talking about but I couldn't find a very good one-)
 "Okay!" Yvette exclaimed, pulling me toward the ladder.
"Now can you finish reading?" Yvette asked me, looking at me with her eyes gleaming
 "Well when you look at me like that, I can't say no!" I said to her smiling warmly at her
"Yay!" Yvette said to me, jumping up slightly in the air
" Whoa! Be careful I don't want you to fall." I told her sitting down on the floor in a corner, patting down next to me, signaling for her to sit next to me. We had just sat down and we were getting comfortable when Ray told me
"Hey, Y/n you do remember your on kitchen duty tonight right?" Ray spoke suddenly, reminding me that I had to help in the kitchen tonight
"Oh my god! I forgot! Yvette, wanna read this chapter of the book before I have to go to the kitchen to help?" I asked her with pity in my eyes
"Ok... When you're done, can we finish reading the rest?" Yvette asked me with a hint of sorrow in her voice
"Sure! But well probably going to have to finish reading this tomorrow, okay?" I told her
"O-oh and Ray, thank you for reminding me that I have kitchen duty." I told Ray, turning my gaze towards him. He had turned to look at me, looking up from his book when I gave him a warm smile
"No problem Y/n." He told me, turning his head around so quickly I almost forgot he was looking at me for a second
"Okay back to our book, 'So as Anne and Gilbert looked each other in the eyes and said...' " I read to her while she read along with me, asking me what some word meant once and a while as we read.
"Hey Evy, we finished the chapter, I have to go to the kitchen to help out, wait for me, And don't go on reading without me! Remember I wanna read that book too!" I told her as I climbed down to the ground, leaving Yvette and Ray in the library
"Okay, I guess I'll wait for you." Yvette told me, sad to see me leave
 "Bye Evy, Ray" I said, waving as I walked out of the library heading toward the kitchen

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