
Clark had brought her backpack and updated her on Bootsie, whom he'd left in his apartment, staring out a window at a wall in the next building. Lexy unpacked after Clark left to talk to Barry. She realized Clark had washed and ironed her clothes. She got into pajamas and got into bed. She was so tired she fell asleep immediately.

She woke up early and changed into clean jeans and a white t-shirt with flowers on the neckline. She wondered what else she'd need, and put her Metropolis money card and ID in her purse. When Clark buzzed her room she hurried to the lobby to find him. He wore dark jeans and a bright shirt almost as blue as his eyes.  He smiled when she walked in, and her heart beat a little faster. OK, girl, it's not like you've got a date with Clark or Superman. He doesn't know you from a thousand other fangirls. So don't act like one. He held the door open for her and they stepped onto the sidewalks of Metropolis.

Lexy looked around in wonder at the city she'd only seen in books and film. The skies were blue and cloudless after the storm, and people were hurrying about their business, like in New York. The difference is some were ETs and she could see a caped hero flying across the city.

"Who's that?" she asked.

Clark looked up and said, "Supergirl. She came to help with the recovery. Have you had breakfast?" Lexy shook her head. "I know a nice diner near here." He grinned. "I've got a generous expense account."

"I'm starving." She grinned back. "Let's eat."

Clark left Lexy at the Labs just before sunset. He hadn't meant to take up so much time with her, but they talked all day, and the hours flew by. He would meet her again on Monday at 6:00, and they'd go over the draft of the article.

Lexy took the elevator to her room and reflected on her day. Metropolis had six boroughs, not five; Midtown Park, not Central, where she'd arrived. Where the Plaza Hotel stood in Manhattan, the Park Hotel stood in Metropolis. Ordinary humans and ETs, in addition to metahumans and people with abilities like Superman and Green Arrow. A lot to take in, but she thought she'd be comfortable here until the Labs found her way home. Brenda came to mind, dark-haired, laughing brown eyes, cheerful even with her illness. She hoped she'd return in time to help her niece.


Monday night Clark invited Lexy to the Planet offices to work. She got instructions from the desk at the Labs and took the bus to Midtown. She walked west on 59th to the Daily Planet building. She stood before the doors, watching the night shift arrive and walk in, as though it were a newspaper building in New York City.

Jimmy Olsen pushed open the doors and came out, checking a camera. He saw her and stopped. "Ms. Logan?" She nodded. It was Jimmy Olsen, Superman's Pal, the Daily Planet's Pulitzer winning photographer. She was talking to him. With him. "Clark mentioned you were coming here tonight. Can I help you?"

"Oh, I know where to go. I was just." She stopped, looking up at the many floors of the Daily Planet. "Getting used to being here."

Jimmy laughed. "It's a change, isn't it. Here, I'll take your picture, if you don't mind. Perry might like it for your article." He took a few pictures of her against the background of the newspaper building.

"Clark's expecting me at six," she said. "So, I'd better go. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Sure. Have a good night." He waved and ran for a Rider, an Uber-type service. She pushed through the doors into the building and took the elevator to Clark's floor. He saw her coming and opened the door for her.

He offered her a seat. They worked in his office, going over the first draft of her story. Clark said Perry wanted a three-part article. As they finished, Larry knocked on the door. Clark motioned him to enter.

"Mr. Kent, did you finish the story about last year's storms? The small ones like this last one?"

"Yeah, here's the web address. I haven't written a story, just got some information for the Flash. You can take these files back to the morgue."

"Sure." Larry hesitated. "Uh, Mr. Kent, is it true that some people from the Phantom Zone escaped to Earth during the storm?"

Clark nodded. "They were all rounded up and are in detention waiting return, except a few who might be eligible for Kandor." He eyed the nervous boy. "Are you worried about the Zone?"

"Well, the people, that is, my dad used to say the people there were dangerous criminals. Kryptonians could develop powers like Superman."

"True, but children have to mature to get full powers. Superboy didn't have Superman's full powers till he was nearly an adult. That's why he disappeared, till he was mature and could handle his abilities."

"Yeah, well, thanks. I'll return these, then I got to go home." The boy looked miserable.

"We're going to the diner for burgers. Why don't you come with us? On me."

Larry's face lit up and he started to speak. "I'd lo—well, you two want to be alone to talk, or something. I'll just go home."

Lexy patted Larry's arm. "Please come with us. I'd like to get to know more people here. Say yes."



At the diner, Larry ate two giant cheeseburgers, with everything, large fries, and drank a lot of orange juice. He eyed the dessert menu hopefully, and Clark ordered pie a la mode for all of them. He and Lexy dropped Larry off at his home and Clark took Lexy back to the Labs.

This became the pattern for their meetings. Clark and Lexy finished the first article, which was published Sunday. They'd work at the Planet after hours, and eat somewhere, taking Larry on the nights he worked. The boy seemed a little more relaxed, but wouldn't say what troubled him.

Clark took Lexy to the Ace o' Clubs for brunch Sunday, without Larry. She read the article from a newspaper. "You did a great job, Clark."

"Not me. You are the star. How are you doing, now you've been here for a few days?"

She looked out the windows at the skyline, which was familiar now. "I'm doing good. You, Barry, Mr. White. So many people have helped me. If I have to stay on your world, I might pick Metropolis." She leaned over the table. "Clark, you've made me very comfortable here. I'm going to miss your friendship when this article is over."

Clark swallowed hard. "We can stay friends, Lexy, until you go back to Earth1. Would you like to hang out this afternoon, no article, no work? Just friends passing time?" She nodded. "What do you want to do?"

"Let's go to Midtown Park and walk around. Maybe we could get dinner there?"

"How about a picnic? There are good takeout places."

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