Chapter 3

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"So, what do you guys want to do today?" Jane asks, smiling coyly at her phone. It was her latest celebrity crush. Jane's celebrity crush changed with every season. Without waiting for an answer, she thrusts the screen in front of Zhandra's face. "But first, tell me what you think of him?"

"Him?" The green eyes narrow. Zhandra could have sworn that the person on the screen was a beautiful doe-eyed girl.

Jane shakes her head condescendingly and hugs her precious phone to her chest. "Why did I even bother?" She mutters rhetorically.

'Yes, why did you?' Zhandra thinks of asking, but she decides against it. There were more important things on her mind, aka Gabe.

"Jane, I think I left something in the treehouse. Will you watch over Alex for a bit?"

"That's what I am here for, aren't I? Go. But be back in five. And take the umbrella." Jane instructs.

"Mn." Zhandra nods and is about to pick up the umbrella when Alex, who was busy playing with Thomas and his friends, hops over to his elder sister and points his finger at her accusingly. "You are lying. I know you are going to the shed to meet Mr. Bighead's cousin!"

Jane huffs and finally pockets her phone. "Alex, you shouldn't call your sister a liar. Now, tell me how you spent your day, and if you use two new words, I will read you a story of your choice."

Jane must be in a good mood today. Zhandra concludes, smiling at her sitter.

"What are you smiling at me like that for?" Jane inquiries, quirking her brow.

"Nothing." Zhandra shrugs, picks up her sling,  and takes Alex's hand in hers. "I will take him with me," She says and turns to face Alex, "So that he can see for himself that I am not lying."

"Fine, just as long as you are back in five." Jane reminds and watches the kids exit from the backdoor.

Making sure to protect Alex from the drizzle, Zhandra leads them to the treehouse, much to her brother's surprise.

As soon as they enter it, Alex tugs at the hem of his sister's shirt. "Sorry, Zhan." He apologizes in a small voice.
"Are you really sorry?"

"Yes." Alex nods confidently.

"Do you really want me to forgive you?"

"Yessss!" Alex pouts.

"Alright then, you have to promise me that you will not mention Bighead's cousin to Daddy."

"Mn?" Alex blinks. A split second later, his eyes widen, and his lips curl up. With his pearly whites on display, he exclaims, "You know where Mr. Bighead's cousin is!"



Alex's eyes lock on the toy house. "He is here!" He states, pointing his chubby pointer finger at his sister's favorite toy and sprints towards it.

"Alex!" Zhandra chases her brother and grabs his shirt collar, bringing him to an abrupt stop.

"Ouch!" Alex winces and struggles in his sister's iron-like grasp. "Let go, Zhan."

"I will, but first you need to promise me that you never mention Mr. Bighead's-"

"My name is Gabe." The injured celestial being pokes his head out of the door and interrupts.

Zhandra sighs.

Alex squeals.

Gabe gestures the young child to approach him, and Alex squats down in front of the toy house.

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