The Train

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       Shōyō hardly had time to think, he was pushed and shoved onto the huge train to fast he didn't realize he was on board until it started moving and he only realized it was moving when he looked out the window. The train doesn't shake, or vibrate, it's completely silent.  

       "This way." Takeda walks past him into another room. Shōyō swallow his nerves and walk into the room. As he does he can feel his eyes widen and his jaw lay open. 

       It's huge! A massive crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, diamonds dangle from every branch. Food everywhere, He's never in his life seen so many desserts and sweets. Natsu would love this, well she would like it until she goes into the arena. 

       Shōyō looks over to the centre table where Takeda takes a seat next to a small blond figure. Hitoka Yachi, the other tribute. He spots an empty seat in between her and Ukai. Who still looks drunk as hell and is somehow still drinking. 

      He walks over and pull out the chair sitting down slowly. It has cushioning, it's not just a wood plank, it's the most comfortable chair he's ever seen let alone sit in. Is this really how the capital lives everyday? 

       Shōyō looks up at Ukai, his eyes are closed and his head is tilted up towards the roof but he isn't sleeping. 

      "Okay, you got any advice? Suggestions on how to survive?" He prompts. Ukai's supposed to be our teacher, our mentor as they're called. He's the one who's supposed to help us survive in the arena. 

       "You want advice, kid? Just give up, look up at that screen. See all those careers, they'll kill you without hesitation. It's best just to accept your fate now." Ukai opens his eyes for the first time just to point at a small screen at the end of the room. 

       Shōyō looks up and stares at the other tributes. There's only five girls, every other tribute is a boy. Some took massive, it's only head shots but he can tell they're clearly in the 6 foot range. His hands start to shake slightly. 

       What if he doesn't make it home? What if he dies in there. Before he can start thinking too far into Yachi speaks up. 

       "So what? Strength doesn't mean anything in these games. I remember when you won, you outsmarted everyone and used the arena against your opponents." She stands up defensively. Shōyō looks up at her slightly surprised, she hasn't spoken up before now. 

       "And look where I am now. A drunken victor with no family left. You really want to live and become someone like me?" Ukai sinks into his seat defeated looking. 

       A part of what he says chews at Shōyō's mind. It's true, if he survives he'll have no idea who he'll be when he gets back, he does know he will never be the same though. The things Yachi and him will both see in that arena will haunt either one of them. 

       Is winning really that important or even worth it? What am I thinking?! I have mom and Natsu to get back to! I can't just abandon them, no matter what happens in the arena, I'm going home. No matter what I have to do.  

       "But I do like your spirit. So I'll lend you some advice and we'll see what happens in the arena." Ukai opens his eyes suddenly. Looking back and forth between the two 15 year olds. Shōyō looks up at Yachi with a smile. Maybe they do have a chance. 


Sorry for the shorter chapter and long wait. 

The Flightless Crow~ Hunger Games Haikyuu AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora