Mor and Feyre greet you and everyone takes their seats on the riverbank. You had decided to keep the wedding small, just the Inner Circle and Varian – for Amren – because you felt that there would be no other people or family that you would rather share this moment with. You stand at the end of the aisle, hidden by a bush as you lock arms with Cassian who would be giving you away. Azriel stands bathed in sunlight at the other end of the aisle. He, as always, looks immaculate in his formal leathers and neatly combed raven black hair.

'Ready?' Cassian whispers and you nod. Yes, yes you were ready. Ready to walk this aisle, ready to start the rest of your life with Azriel.

'I'm ready.'

Soft Night Court music starts to play as you walk, Cassian in one arm, a bouquet of lilies in the other. Everyone turns to you and even though it's a small crowd you still blush at the attention. You reach the end and the soft music fades away. Cassian kisses you on the cheek and walks back to sit next to Nesta. You turn to Azriel.

Your mate is a mess, to say the least. His expression is bewildered, amazed and sad all at once. You smile and walk up the dais; Az holds out his hand and you take it; his fingers are warm and his hard callouses scrape against your soft palms. You walk hand-in-hand to the priestess who smiles at you and begins the service.

(I'm just going to skip to the part with the vows)

You take a deep breath as you face Azriel, holding both of your hands and staring at you like you make the sun rise every day. 'Azriel, I have loved you from the moment I met you, and that love has grown bigger ever since. You have given me so much, a family, a home, and a place where I belong. I didn't write this down because I wanted it to come from deep inside my heart,' you blink back tears of happiness as you stand facing him in front of your friends, no, your family. 'Thank you, Azriel, thank you for everything. I can't wait to start this new life with you, and I hope that I can be as good a wife to you as you deserve.'

Azriel stares at you for a long time before clearing his throat. 'Y/N, my darling, you are more than I could ever have asked for. Every day when I wake up to your beautiful face I am reminded of how lucky I am to have found you. You belong here, with all of us, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are so happy you are here.' He pauses as Cassian leads the Inner Circle in whoops and cheers making the two of you laugh. 'There it is.' You joke and everyone laughs.

'But seriously, I don't deserve you; you are everything good in this world, the sun rising every day, a blooming flower, becoming more and more beautiful every time I see you. I love you Y/N. You have saved me in more ways than I care to admit, and I will forever be thankful and in debt to you for that. I can't wait to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you, making memories, sharing stories, and keeping that happiness alive. You are and will ever be the only one my heart will love.'

By the time he's finished, you are both crying, a mixture of happy and sad tears. When you glance at the Inner Circle you can see all of their cheeks are wet too, and they smile at you. You turn your gaze back to Azriel and your heart expands in your chest. You've found your home.

'Well, this is the most beautiful show of love I have seen in all my years as a priestess,' she looks at you and smiles, bright and warm. 'let's not make you wait any longer: I now declare you husband and wife. Azriel, you may kiss your bride.'

Az takes a step closer to you and cups your cheek. He smiles slightly and leans down to kiss you. Like every other kiss you have shared, it was filled with emotions you were both afraid to show, deep and passionate and true.

You hear the Inner Circle clapping in the background, but your only focus is Azriel and his lips and what you both are starting together.

After the many congratulations from Rhys, Feyre, Mor, Amren, and Cassian, and many tears shed from all of you; Azriel pulls you aside while everyone floods into the house.

'So,' he says chuckling. The moonlight reflects off the river and bounces across his features. 'We did it.'

'We did.'

'And the siphon,' he says pointing to the glimmering stone hanging from your neck. You bring your hand to it. 'That was probably Cassian right?' He guesses, chuckling.

'Yeah,' you laugh along. 'He said he's kept it for years. I think this wedding actually meant more to him than us.'

Azriel laughs. 'Well, at least now I have someone to cushion myself from him.'

You playfully smack his arm.

'I meant every word I said in my vows,' He says after a minute of silence. 'I love you and I promise I always will.'

'So did I. I love you too Azriel and my heart forever will.' You say and stare into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

'Could you spare me another kiss before we go inside?' he asks hopefully and looks at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes that would make Cassian mad at the competition.

You smile. 'For you? Always.'

He smiles and tugs your waist, sneaking his other hand to your cheek and leaning down to make his soft lips meet yours.

This was the start of the rest of your lives, together, part of a wonderful family and hopefully, one day you would start your own. With Azriel, anything felt possible.

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