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Night time had passed and the five were walking. Juniper was chewing and sucking on the blue lollipop she had bribed Billy into getting her.

She was still shaken up by the information she had received off Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff and Pietro Maxinoff.

The boys weren't too happy.

"This is so lame."  Pietro said to Wanda who was between himself and Juniper.  "I can't believe you're making them return all the candy."

"I can't believe what a bad Influence you are."

"I can."  Juniper mumbled under her breath. Wanda nor Pietro had heard her — luckily. Sure, Juniper wasn't a good influence but hey, at least she had her own face.

Why would Wanda recast her own brother? That's what she didn't get. Wanda loved her, Vision and Pietro. She got the right face for her and Vision. Juniper had decided it was something outside of the woman's control, like a third party.

"Who beefed in your borscht?"

Juniper had her head looking at the ground, her knee knowledge and memories running wild in her head. It hurt as she tried to unlock more.

Drowning. Dead. Drugs. Avengers.

She passed her lollipop stick to a dead women, asking her to bin it. She did, nodding as she did so.

"I'm just trying to do my part, okay?"  Pietro stated, him and Wanda coming to a stop, meaning Juniper also did.  "Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with rig rats and ultimately give you grief."  He listed, an animated tone to his voice.  "I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?"

The pink haired girl wrapped her arms tight around herself. Holding her body in comfort.

She saw faces, many faces. Tony. Natasha. Wanda. Vision. A boy, a young boy in red and blue. She snapped her eyes shut trying to work out who. P... Peter... Peter Parker! She realised, her eyes opening as she nodded slightly.

Dead. Avengers. Drugs. Drowning.

She sighed as she glanced up at her nonbiological nephews. If her and Vision were dead and Wanda had made this reality, did that mean the twins weren't real? She felt sick with that thought, shaking it off.

"What happened to your accent?"

"What happened to yours?"

Juniper unwrapped her arms from herself, throwing an arm over Wanda's shoulders, a defensive look on her face. There it was again, the natural need that she had to protect Wanda. She didn't get it, she gathered Wanda was her best friend, she presumed they were before Westview, but Juniper wasn't a bodyguard.

"Details are fuzzy, man."

God. She got that. Sure she was breaking free, but with few of — what a million? — memories.

"I got shot like a chump on the streets for no reason at all and the next thing I know, I heard you calling me."  Pietro told his sister.

Had Juniper not met the dead version of the real Pietro, she would probably believe him. Maybe juniper was superstitious, it came with having the dead follow you around like a lost dog.

"I knew you needed me."  He told her softly.

Wanda's eyes softened, and maybe so did Junipers. What's your point? He said something sweet and Juniper may of been aromantic, but she wasn't heartless. It was cute or nice or whatever — so shush.

"Uncle P, guess what?"  Tommy said, him and Billy now standing in front of the three adults.

"The way I'm second best is just wrong."  Juniper stated, shaking her head, a tiny smile on her face.

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