The drive home was a lot slower than usual as it's the time of day where everyone's finishing work and are trying to get home for the day but I'm living smack right in the centre of London what was I expecting? After about 45 minutes of being stuck in traffic when it should've only taken me 10 minutes to get home, I pull into the car park below my flat building and pull the key out of the ignition then stepping out of the car and locking it as I walk towards the stairs that lead up to my flat, I pull my coat closer to my body as I shiver, even though it's only late September its bloody freezing here in London oh how I miss summer. 

Unfortunately for me the lift in the building is broken so now I have to climb three flights of stairs to get home, the lift has been broken for about two weeks Phil the manager of the building keeps saying that it'll be fixed shortly but at this point I'm losing hope. As I reach the door to my flat the door next to mine opens, when I turn my head I see it's Mrs Bennet, Mrs Bennet is a lovely lady she was very kind to me when I first moved in even though I was as talkative as a lemon because I was so nervous and awkward, but she showed me that I had nothing to worry about as she has baked me some gorgeous chocolate chip cookies as a welcome gift, that woman can bake I'm telling you. 

"Off for another date with Gordon are we Mrs Bennet?" I ask cheekily, ever since I arrived here Mrs Bennet has going out quite regularly with a man called Gordon I've personally never met the man but if Mrs Bennet likes him I'm sure he's wonderful.

"Oh hush yes I'm going to see Gordon but we're nothing but friends dear, nothing romantic going on between us" she states confidently I don't actually believe their friends, I do think there's something more going on but I guess the only confirmation I'm going to get is from Mrs Bennet herself but I don't see myself getting that anytime soon.

"Mmhm whatever you say Mrs Bennet I'm sure Gordon would love to hear you calling him a friend instead of a lover" I tease

She gasps and narrows her eyes at me she, pointing her finger playfully at me "Now missy stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, now I best be off I wouldn't want to be late" 

As she reaches the top of the stairs i shout out to her "Don't do anything I wouldn't do but I'm sure Gordon wouldn't mind having a bit of fun either"

She turns her head and glares at me rolling her eyes before descending down the stairs i giggle at her reaction

As I open the door to my flat and step inside I'm met with a wall of heat I sigh at the feeling of warmth that closes all around me, the heating in my flat must've kicked in by itself because of how cold it was. I shut the door and remove my coat, scarf and boots I trudge slowly into the kitchen opening the fridge to find not much at all I really need to go food shopping I decide on just making myself a small bowl of pasta I'm not too hungry anyway so I'm not looking for something huge.  

While the sauce is heating up and the pasta is cooking I decide to pick out a movie too watch while I eat my dinner, I sit on the floor in front of my tv and open the door to the cabinets below in search of a DVD after spending a few minutes choosing a film I decide on the notebook, this film makes me extremely emotional I've watched it too many times to count yet it never fails to have me sobbing my the end I don't know why I put myself through the sadness but sometimes I'm in the mood just to have a good cry. 

I walk back into the kitchen to see if my pasta has cooked fully and too my luck it was ready to go so I dish it up on too my plate and grab my self some cutlery to go sit down in my living room to watch the movie. Luckily I finished my food fast enough so that I wouldn't be a sobbing mess when trying to eat my food, By the end of the movie my face is stained with tears and smudged mascara while the skin underneath that mess is red and blotchy from me constantly rubbing my eyes, too tired to clean up I decide to just head straight to bed heading to the bathroom first to clean up my face by removing the make up and washing my face too then brush my teeth before heading into my room to change into some pyjamas which are just some shorts and a T-Shirt I then crawl under the sheets staring up at the ceiling thinking of what tomorrow could bring when I slowly close my eyes and sleep takes over.

Just My Type (H.S.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz