Getting to know you

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That fanart sucks lmao

TW: Talking about abuse manipulation, and assault, panic attacks, and organs stopping.

Kokichi's POV.

"Alright, you're allowed to have visitors now. Would you like to see anyone? " Dr. Hajime asks. I quickly shake my head," No, they all hate Kokichi. " Dr. Hajime gave me a sympathetic look and walked out of the room.

I'd woken up six days ago. I still haven't gotten use to using a wheelchair and my body always hurts but I manage to get through it, or well, suck it up. It's my fault anyways. Shuichi, Kiibo, Maki, Himiko, and Tsumugi have woken up.

I've gotten ptsd tests. I can't lie anymore and I'm hella claustrophobic. I can't even be hugged without having a panic attack.
I decided I'd leave my room to get food. That was a bad idea.

Kaito's POV.

I was walking down the hall to get Maki when I heard a thud. I look around the corner where I heard the noise, a boy with white head was sitting beside a wheelchair and hyperventilating.

"Hey, are you okay?!" I say, that was a stupid question. The boy stared at me for a second.

"K-kaito-" he said. How does he know my name...? He started repeating 'no'.

Shit! There's no emergency button!

I pick him up and put him on the wheelchair, pushing him quickly to the cafeteria where at least five doctors were.

"I need a doctor for this guy!" I yell. Three of them came over.

" Dammit ____ you suck at your job! " One of them shouted. They took the guy to the ER.

Kokichi's POV.

I woke up on a table, facing a light. It felt like the press, it was cold and hard.

"Where is Kokichi?" I ask, Dr. Hajime walked to my right side.

"Your other lung started failing. We needed to do surgery again." Another doctor said. I nodded.

" Kaito brought me. Did he know it was me?" I asked. They shook their heads.

"Would you like him to?" Dr. Hajime asked. I thought for a second before nodding," Kokichi wants them all to know. "

I was pushed back to my room and had only been in there for a few hours when I got a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said just loud enough for them to hear. The door opened to reveal Korekiyo with his hair cut to his shoulders.

"Um.. Hi, Kokichi. I'm supposed to be your roommate. " He said. He sounded nervous for some reason. Then again we haven't seen each other in days or weeks so I wouldn't blame him.

"Alright then" I said. He nods and sits on the bed next to mine. There was a long silence than.

"I'm sorry for killing Angie and Tenko." I look at him. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. It was obvious he regrets what he did, why not forgive him.

"It's fine, Kokichi's sorry for what he did in the game as well. " There was a small smile on both of our faces.

We ended up talking for a while, until Dr. Hajime came in.

"Korekiyo, you have to take a sho-"

"No!" He snapped. Dr. Hajime sighed.

" Kiyo, I know you're scared of hot water but it's been three days." Korekiyo violently shook his head. Dr. Hajime huffed.

" Kokichi, please help him. I have to check on another patient. " I nodded and took his hand, bringing him to the bathroom. He backed up to the wall.

"I'll check the temperature okay? Calm down." He hesitantly nodded. Eventually we got everything situated and I left him. I started reading a book about mystical creatures.

A few minutes later he came out, and apologized.

"Hey, you have trauma, don't apologize for that." I told with a smile. For once it was actually genuine.

"What're you reading?" He asks, sitting on my bed beside me, " A book about mystical creatures. Believe it or not when Kokichi was a kid he wanted to study them. Never got to though..." I replied. Curiosity crossed Korekiyo's face, "Why not?" He asked.

"Well... My mom called it a waste of time and took all the books away. My dad would slap me if I ever tried to get into them again." Korekiyo's eyes widened and he hugged me. I pushed him off immediately.

" Sorry, Kokichi get reminded of his death when he's hugged" I laugh nervously. Korekiyo put his hand on his neck,"I apologize" I shake my head playfully and continue reading my book.

"You wanna learn about centaurs? Ooh! Or hippogriffs?" He laughed, "How about chimeras? " He pointed to the title that said 'The Chimera' I nodded and read the page to him.

His eyes were glistening like a child's when they see a puppy. He had much more emotion than he did in the game, I like it.

After I finished reading the page I decided to ask him.

"Hey, why'd you cut your hair if you don't mind me asking. " He looked down at his hands, " When my doctor was talking to me they explained how my sister wasn't actually what I made her out to be. She was really manipulative and abusive and I remember her assulting me... " He looked as if he'd cry. I sigh and pick his hands up, holding them.

"We have something in common. Remember, she's dead so she can't hurt you." I say smiling, hoping that helps. He nodded, it was obvious he wanted to hug me but was hesitating. I wrapped on arm around him and he did the same.

"Can we be friends?" He asked, I laughed, "Kokichi thought we already were silly! Of course! "

We bonded for a while, talking about anthropology and mythical creatures until it was time for dinner. Korekiyo rolled me to the dinning hall and sat me at a table. He brought back some food and we continued to talk.

"Uh, Kokichi?" A voice said behind me, it sounded like Miu.

"Huh?!" I jumped and turned around. Miu and Angie were standing behind me.

"O-oh hey, um. Listen Kokichi sorry for what He-" Miu cut me off.

"Shut up ya little abortion, I forgive you and Angie forgives you, Korekiyo." She said, Angie waved and hugged him.

"I'm glad, do you wanna sit with us?" I ask. The girls nod and sit down. Later on Gonta sits with us too.


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