Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

The next day, they were awakened by the light flashing signalling the fact that someone had entered the building without them letting them in. Derek had been the first to awake and he'd woken Hayley up much to her anger and protest. The door swung open and both of them looked to it cautiously only to look even more angered as they saw it was Peter with bags in his hands.

"Good morning! Merry Christmas! Everyone needs to wake up now so we can get this show on the road!" He called out, far too happy to be natural.

Both Derek and Hayley stared at the smiling werewolf for a few seconds before Hayley blinked back the lights attacking her tired eyes as she looked to Derek. "Is he on drugs?" She asked, and Derek sighed whilst Peter's smile dropped turning to look at her with a glower.

"No, he's always like this on Christmas," Derek breathed out. He'd forgotten how much he'd loved the holiday.

"Oh...okay... well I'll let you two catch up," she mused patting him on the shoulder as she tried to find her way back to the bed but Derek reached out grabbing onto her arm.

"Nope. You're not escaping."

"Now where's my favourite grandniece?" Peter asked rubbing his hands together and looking around.

"In bed. It's eight in the morning," Hayley pointed out.

"Well wake her up," he urged, and Hayley threw her hands out in exasperation whilst Derek brought his hand to his head not knowing what to say.

The day moved on and the McCall family all soon invaded the loft along with Noah Stilinski and Stiles since them and the McCalls had been one grand family since the start (this particular fact which almost traumatised both Peter and Derek since they thought they'd escaped Stiles but they had not). It wasn't just Derek who had spoiled the baby but instead everyone - especially Stiles and Peter - and that left everyone happy except for Hayley as she tried to be practical and figure out where everything was going to go. Their daughter now had a whole new wardrobe's worth of clothes, dolls, toys, rattles, stuffed ones, hard ones, so many toys.

"What carol is heard in the desert?" Cora asked, reading the note that she'd won from the Christmas cracker. They were all sat around a table with paper crowns sat on their heads (much to Derek's protest) and they'd finished with their meals leaving nothing but the alcohol and the after-dinner chat to be done with. "O camel ye faithful!" She called out, and everyone groaned out but laughed none the less. They were forced to laugh at how bad the joke was.

"Okay, okay," Stiles began, as he pulled out his own joke, "how does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas?" He asked, and they all frowned not even knowing who he was, "One that's deep pan, crisp and even!" He said, and they all froze.

"What?" Hayley asked, and it was followed with more of the same question.

"It's the song... none of you have heard the song?" Stiles asked, his face filled with horror and a few of them shook their heads. "Oh my god!" He quickly began to sing the lyrics causing everyone to groan, "Good King Wenceslas looked out, On the Feast of Stephen, When the snow lay round about, Deep and crisp and even, Brightly shone the moon that night, Though the frost was cruel, When a poor man came in sight..."

"Stiles," Melissa called out pressing her hand over his mouth and everyone began to laugh again as he tried to sing through her hand. Feeling hands on his leg, Peter glanced under the table to see Talia clutching at his jeans.

"Derek. Your little gremlin wants attention," he said as he picked her up, and the moment she was high enough to do so she began to reach out trying to grab things from the table. She'd been dressed in a little Christmas red dress for the celebration. She grabbed onto some of the left over food about to shove it in her mouth when the entire table began a mess of everyone reaching over and shouting no before Peter managed to block the potential danger.

"Come on, grandma wants a turn," Melissa cut in holding out her arms and Peter passed over the child.

"I think she likes you," Cora joked looking to Peter.

"Who doesn't?"

"A lot of people," Derek said and Hayley bat his arm.

"Play nice it's Christmas," she warned, "oh, I bought cake!" She added on pushing herself up to her feet to get the new food. A few of them watched as Talia bat her hands against Melissa's face. There was something beautiful about watching something that was so full of life and joy and innocence. Not to be plagued by the horror's they had all gone through.

The night continued with laughter and joy, although by the end of it the two fairly new parents were exhausted and once everyone had left and Talia had been put to bed they were left to their own devices.

Slugging down onto the sofa, she slouched down as she tried to figure out what Derek was doing. She still had a red paper crown sat wonkily on her head and there was a tiredness in her eyes that matched the tiredness in Derek's. He was going through all the photos and videos that had been collected throughout the day.

"I can't decide if I love or hate Christmas," she admitted her voice slow and quiet, and he chuckled turning his phone off and putting it back into his pocket.

"If it happened more than once then I'd hate it," he admitted and she hummed before pushing herself to her feet and rooting through one of the drawers, "what are you after? Don't tell me you're still hungry."

"No," she scoffed before she walked back with her hand behind her back. Taking a seat beside him, he raised his brow upon seeing the cheeky innocent smile on her face.

"Oh no," he muttered, and her smile dropped as she rolled her eyes. Bringing her hand out she held out a small box to him causing him to frown even more confused, "what is it?" He asked.

"Well if you open it then you'll know," she countered and he lifted up the lid reaching into the box and pulling out the two items that were in it. There was a very expensive photo frame with a picture of their little family, and then a clay stone which had Talia's hands printed into it. "You said that you didn't like how you had no photos of your family...well I searched the highs and the lows of the internet and I found a fire-proof photo frame."

"A fire-proof photo frame?" He asked, amusement filling his face and she nodded.

"I bought two and tested it out. Threw it right into a fire. It's still good. A little charred... but the paper inside it was completely good." She admitted, and he put them down on the table in front of them, "so happy birthday."

"What?" He asked.

"My mom has access to your medical records. She found your birthday for me," she said and he rolled his eyes, but they were filled with joy.

"Your impossibly difficult," he joked, "come here," he added on his arms wrapping around her and dragging her closer and she released a noise of protest as she fell forward collapsing so that her upper-body was both on his lap and in his chest. After a few seconds she sighed.

"You gonna let me go?"

"Nope," he joked.

"If you don't I'm probably gonna fall asleep here," she muttered and he smiled with a slight chuckle. "That's an idea," she added on as she shifted her weight to get comfier and he shifted as well, "can just go to sleep here."

"Just wait till she actually understands Christmas. You'll have to go see Santa and all sorts," he reminded and she groaned at the thought of it. That sounded absolutely exhausting.

"At least we've got about two years before hand," she reminded and he hummed as they both shifted to get more comfortable, "this isn't a comfortable sofa."

"No, no it's not."

Yet still the two fell asleep on the sofa not being able to find the energy to move from the position they were already in. 

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