Ryosuke can't help himself and cusses softly under his breath, surprised at how high this fever is, considering it just came on, and also worried for the young teen. Takumi is leaning almost entirely on Shuichi, something they've never seen him do, though it's obvious he trusts and likes his teammates on project D. Keisuke is biting his lip, his arms crossed, looking over his fellow driver. Kenta and Tomiguchi both stay close, cause this driver has gotten to them as well and he also looks bad. 

"Takumi, is it always this bad?"

"No... but with how rare... I get sick... side affects..."

The entire team shares concerned glances, even as  Fumihiro heads over to open one of the vans, the passenger seat will have to be enough, because the back of the vans are full of stuff for the cars, and the 86 is not going to be stable enough for Takumi to lie in the back or passenger side. Keisuke will drive his car, and Ryosuke will take the 86, it's unspoken, everyone knows how it works, even if this has never happened. Shuichi and Tomiguchi help lead Takumi to the passenger side, him stumbling and lurching the entire way. Kenta goes to get in the other van that Fumihiro is driving, while Shuichi stays to drive the van with Takumi in it. Before they all leave, they do something to help themselves feel a bit better. 

Kenta lays a blanket over the teen curled up on the laid back passenger seat, Keisuke leaves a water, Fumihiro gets him a pillow, Shuichi sets a cool ice pack on his forehead and Tomiguchi puts a snack nearby in case he gets hungry. Ryosuke already has his thing, him driving the 86 a promise to get Takumi's baby home safe and sound with no damage to her. None of the team talk all that much, occupied by thoughts of their sick teammate, who is getting worse, if Shuichi's infrequent and hastily written texts are any clue. 

They all pull up in front of the Fujiwara store -except for Ryosuke, who parks the 86 next to the shop - get out, prepared to switch out with Takumi, when he pauses. The house is quiet, the lights off and he gets a bad feeling. Everyone gathers round the passenger side door of the van, sharing looks with each other, before Keisuke opens the door and gently shakes Takumi awake. He blinks and sits up, rubbing at his eyes. 

"Hey, we there?"

"Yeah, Takumi, we got you home. Is there anyone else here?"

"Nah, Dad's out on some trip somewhere and won't be back till tomorrow morning or later tonight. I'll be fine, see you next race?"

The group share looks, already knowing exactly what they're going to do, even as Keisuke shakes his head to Takumi. None of them feel right leaving their sick, youngest teammate - also the thinnest and sometimes most tired one as well - alone in a house with no one to put a cold wash cloth on him, get him water, medicine, or anything else like an ill person needs. He's going to be coming with them, to the Takahashi brother's mansion. The team set out yet again, Shuichi convincing Takumi to lie back down, Kenta n Fumihiro getting into the other van and Ryosuke heading to the back of a van, to grab a sticky note and write an explanation for Fujiwara Senior, Tomiguchi heading for the back of the other van. 

It takes them no more than 5 minutes to pull out and head for the mansion they will be staying at for the next day, with all of them working together to get their poor ill friend back into his normal healthy self.  They have no clue how long this sickness will last or even what else might happen, nor what kind of attitude their friend will have when he is sick. None of them are completely sure if they can handle a whiny Takumi, but neither can they leave him alone in his house. Shuichi pulls up to the mansion, stopping the engine and turning to Takumi, surprised to find the boy lifting his seat back up and reaching for the water, taking small sips. 

The others have gotten out of their cars - or whatever they happened to be in said car - and are heading for the van, when Takumi reaches out and opens his door. The others start walking a bit faster, wanting to help their friend, who is getting out of the van and swaying rather violently. Fumihiro reaches him first and manages to catch him just before he collapses, wrapping an arm around his waist and putting his shoulder under his own. Takumi blinks gratefully at him, exhausted beyond belief and wanting to just lay down. He trusts these people to take care of him and not let him get worse.

Ryosuke unlocks the door and Keisuke heads upstairs to get a bed ready, while Kenta and Tomiguchi head for the closest and kitchen respectively. Shuichi and Fumihiro are supporting Takumi into the house, leading him into the house, up the stairs and into the room Keisuke had set up, the covers pulled back, a glass of water set next to the bed on a night stand. Takumi collapses on the bed as soon as he has no support, curling up on his side and relaxing.

The three in the room set to work, taking off his shoes and anything else that will make him uncomfortable, while Kenta makes some food in the kitchen, nothing complicated and Tomiguchi is heading up the stairs, a wet cloth in a bowl that he is being careful not to spill. Ryosuke is contacting the people he needs to, letting the next team know that the race will have to be delayed and letting Takumi's job know he won't be there. It doesn't take long, but by the time he's done, Kenta is taking a bowl of gently steaming food up and being very gently. 

Takumi is cold, shivering as he is, unable to fall asleep again as his joints flare in pain, and the three guys start to glance at each other, unsure of what to do and needing some help, because none of them have ever dealt with any kind of joint pain, and have no idea how to help alleviate that. Takumi just buries his face in the pillow, trying to ignore the fever and the shivering, but most focused on his joints. A smell wafts into the room, as a gentle knock and the sound of the door opening echoes in the room, everyone turning to spot Kenta with a bowl in his hands. 

Takumi tries to sit up, but his arms are too weak and he collapses back down. Shuichi rolls his eyes fondly, leaning over to gently guide his driver into a sitting position, with Keisuke piling the pillows so he has something to lean against. Kenta gently smiles and offers the bowl, all of them watching Takumi eat in case he throws up, while Ryosuke rolls his eyes and sets another blanket over Takumi, making sure he can sweat the fever out, the bowl of water on the nightstand as well. It does not take them very long to grow to hate their friend being sick.

It's only been a night - after Takumi had eaten, they'd helped him lay back down and put a washcloth on his forehead, before everyone went to bed - and they all hate the dull, blank look in his eyes. He whispers thanks and pleases, but he does not get bratty, whiny or complain about anything they do. Honestly, it's kind of worrying, but he also appears to be doing better, with how much he's sleeping. 

The team are downstairs, Keisuke playing a video game with Kenta, with Fumihiro cheering them on, Shuichi next to him and both waiting their turn, while Ryosuke and Tomiguchi are playing chess, Takumi laying on a couch - they didn't feel comfortable all crowding into the guest room or leaving him upstairs alone - watching through half-lidded eyes as everything happens. 

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