-Dont Go in The Woods-

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"Donna I can not believe you booked a cabin for us and Sam. Don't you think he should stay separate from us." This was crazy! I know Donna made this entire trip just to bring me and Sam together.

"Y/n I am so tired of seeing you and Sam goo-goo at each other! It's time we all trek up to the mountains and I don't know spark up some romance! You won't do it I will!"

By the end of this trip, I'd either be with Sam or Donna would be dead. Who knows.
-Y/n POV-

Sitting in the library me, Sam, Dean, and Cas all flipped through books and searched our computers for a case, or anything on Lucifer.

"Okay, I give up!" I finally stood up out of my chair and closed my laptop. "Not a single sign of Lucifer anywhere! I mean nothing." Sam came over and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into his chest.

"Look I know what we need," Dean said. "We all need to pack some bags, get in baby and take a vacation!" All of us chuckled, the idea of hunters getting a vacation is ridiculous. Dean obviously wasn't joking.

"Wait dean don't actually tell me your serious?" Sam stated arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Yeah man I am! Look we'll go camping like Bobby used to take us! Me and cas get a tent and you and your new girlfriend can share." Me and Sam blushed when we locked eyes.

We haven't figured out labels or how serious we are. But leave it to dean to bring it up every minute since we got back this weekend. Dean reminded me of Donna a lot, always pushing.


Next thing I knew I was packing a small duffel bag in my room. I turned to see Sam standing against my doorway as he knocked quietly. "Hey," I said folding flannel.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you." Oh no, this had to be about what Dean said. Sam looked down at his feet obviously thinking about what to say. His aura gleamed nervousness.

"Dean wants to know if you want a third tent. Yknow in case your not comfortable sharing...with me." He blushed.

"No, I'm comfortable with it. Tell him there really is no need." Placing my brown hiking boots in my suitcase and closing them.

I was quickly turned around by my hips into Sams's arms. He looked at me with a sly smile, how could he look at me with such desire? He was undoubtedly out of my league. In his PJs, Sam looked so handsome. Plaid bottoms with just a black t-shirt, sometimes I thought his arms would burst out.

Getting up on my tiptoes I kissed Sam. "You should get dressed we have a camping trip to leave for!" I tried to be excited, but my gut was telling me otherwise.

-Sams POV-

"Dean, Cas I got your tent set up!" Y/n called out. Dean and cas were still unloading the trunk, meanwhile, I was trying to start a fire. The place Dean had found us was surprisingly beautiful, a cliff overlooking the great Colorado mountains. Sunset was coming over the ridges and I couldn't help but take a deep breath trying to soak in the beauty. I looked over at Y/n as she placed logs all around the fire pit. She fit in so well with the atmosphere, her h/c wavy hair, brown hiking boots, and burgundy flannel. She looked so beautiful.

A flame caught and the logs set ablaze. I walked over to y/n who looked to be writing something down in a journal. "Hey."

"Hey, Sammy."

"What are you writing?"

"Actually I'm drawing, I just thought this landscape was too beautiful not to remember." Out of instinct I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her.

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