💿The day we met🐝

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Idk. Remind me if there is any
Schlatt was not fit enough to be a parent, so he had to do something that he would regret for all his life, he had to give up his son.
It was heavily raining. Schlatt ran with a box in his hand, in that box there was a blanket,bee plushy, a toddler And There was also envelope attached to the box. He eventually put the box with the small child in it, put it on the pavement (In the uk sorry) With tears In his eyes he walked back to his house leaving the small boy asleep and alone.
Next day
The family was walking to a park,when suddenly there was a sound of crying it sounded like a toddlers.The youngest one of the family of 4 rushed straight towards it the family followed but got left behind. The youngest saw a toddler on the pavement for whatever reason they thought that was going through there minds was who did this and why did they do this,all but the youngest he grabbed the boy out the box and started to comfort it by saying things like "don't cry" and "it's all gonna be ok".

"Hi my name is tommy!what's yours?" Tommy introduced himself. The buy in the box started to calm down a bit more.

"I-I'm tubbo where am I and where's father dearest?" tubbo said wiping tears from his own eyes.
A couple minutes later
Tommy's father and brothers finally got there.they were thinking "why would someone do this".

But they didn't care because They were getting along. the father saw but then he noticed a small envelope on the box he picked it up and there was a letter inside that said.

Hello to whoever is seeing this, you probably have a lot of questions, I don't blame you I would to. His name is tubbo I knew I wouldn't be able to look after him I am short on money and have a very bad drinking addiction I am not suitable for this but please I beg with my very last life, please look after my little champ I don't want you to tell him about me or ever tell him anything that you aren't his biological father, thank you, I wish you give him the best life you can because I couldn't.
Worst person,

Phil put the paper in his pocket and then said hi and introduced him and the brothers, Wilbur and techno. he knew already he didn't need to introduce tommy they seem almost stuck together like best friends at first sight somehow. He picked tubbo up and put him back in the box and carried him home walking with the family. Phil was happy to have someone that can stand tommy and not get a headache he grew up as if he was there since the very beginning. He never thought about telling tubbo about the letter.He didn't need to they were a big happy family.
The best day of Tommy's life.

The end
(I am gonna do more story's of this book even with ought traction I don't care this is my first story so I get it if it's trash and I will only do books when I am bored as hell so yeah hoped you like it)

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