Chapter Four

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I giggle as I watch him look through the various shelves for the right book to read to me. I told him that if I don't fall asleep, I will listen to the next chapter.

Poor, David. He's struggling with the right book.

I observe his broad appearance from behind and that gentle look from the front. It's funny. He doesn't seem like a nerd but rather like a jock to me. I would have never guessed he was a bookworm.

He looks at a certain book and quickly reads the back of it. He then smiles at me and says, "This one it is."

"Okay!" I say. "Let's do it!" He comes to sit by me on the small sofa in this library. He puts his arm around my waist and I look at the first page of it. It's boring already.

"Chapter One of Fahrenheit 451." He takes a breath as I feel his muscles relax and his soothing voice starts to read out loud. My ears listen to the words in this book but really my mind stays on the lovely sound of his voice. My eyes start to turn heavy and I fall on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat now mixes with his soft voice and the world slowly turns dark.

It's odd that I see myself at my house. I hear screams. Everywhere. I'm confused at the sudden scene. Wasn't I in the library? Where's David?

Then I see dark eyes coming at me with anger. They carry the horns of a bull and smoke comes out of their ears. I try to run away but my feet are glued to the ground.

Then another set of cold hands hold my arms still and the horns stab my stomach. I let out a scream and my body shakes.

With a gasp, I sit up and realize that it was just a dream. David gives me wide eyes as he says, "Dear. Are you alright? I didn't know you were asleep!"

A headache starts and I hold my temple. "Ugh...that was...horrible. I'm sorry, David. I didn't--"

"It's okay. You did say you had a busy day today. I shouldn't have bothered you."

"No no. You're never a bother, David." I give him a tender smile and lay a quick kiss on his lips. "We're going to have to continue that book another time though. I have a class in a little bit and I have to study for an exam."

"Sounds good, my dear." He lays another kiss on my lips and stands up with me. "Why don't I drive you to work today?"

I quickly shake my head at him. "No thank you. I'll be alright."

"Are you sure?"

"I am very certain." We stop in front of the entrance and I give him a quick hug before walking off.

My heart still paces from that dream. It feels like it's going to happen. What else can they do to me? They've already stabbed my heart so many times.

But they have not hurt David and that's something I could not bare. I won't let them hurt him more than he already is.

I end up running to my job at that scary bar. My stomach growls angrily but I ignore it as I clock in before I'm a minute late. The last time I was late, the big boss saw my clock in and dragged me into his office. My whole body trembled with fear and I looked for something to escape to.

But then he stood up and angrily said, "Why were you late?"

Large beads of sweat ran down my temple as I nervously said, "I-I don't have a car. I live miles away and I couldn't—"

Then a strong slap stopped me. He has such a large hand that it left the biggest sting I have ever gotten. Tears immediately fell out as he came close to me. The smoke from his cigarette flooded my vision as he said, "Now. What will you give me for your tardy?"

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