"pity. that egg was fresh", reina slightly pouted, to which that had only prompted gojō to start throwing more eggs at the curse, who managed to swiftly grab a sugar sifter and caught all the eggs in one swish.

the two then continued aiming ingredients at each other as they also multitasked by creating itadori's birthday cake.

it wasn't until when the cheesecake cake had finished baking that reina had managed to slyly get a swash of rosy pink frosting across gojō's cheek by pulling him by his shirt and taking him by surprise.

"I win", reina mouthed as she proceeded to pipe the frosting onto her cake, to which gojō had ever so slightly furrowed his brows, huffing as he decorated his cake too.

"the party's today. would you like to join, queen of curses?", gojō wryly smiled, purposely trying to trigger the woman.

"unfortunately I have a prior engagement, so I do hope you can give itadori my best wishes", reina stated as she carefully boxed both their cakes, shedding off her apron as she glanced over at gojō, expecting him to do the same.

however, he did not.

if there was one word to describe this man, it would be difficult.

"prior engagements are meant to be blown off. my precious student would love to know who made his birthday cake", gojō reasoned.

"sadly my human does not like being blown off, but then again, I doubt anyone likes that, so this is where we will part", reina smiled, extending her hand as she wanted the apron back.

gojō leaned against the doorway that connected the kitchen to the cashier counter as he also smiled, though it was quite fake just like the girl's.

"why don't you ask them to join us? I'm sure they'll have a great time meeting new people", gojō suggested, wanting to know who she was talking about, or rather what goal they had in mind with the empress of curses.

before reina could reply, gojō had pulled the girl's hand, causing her to fall forward as he had caught her, grinning widely as he anticipated the woman to be blushing.

however, she did not.

reina just hummed as she snaked her arms around the male, causing him to be wary as she skillfully untied the apron, letting it fall as she caught it before it had hit the floor.

her embrace was cold, but the way her fingers had so delicately pulled the bow to loosen the apron was even more noticeable.

she wasn't shameful for falling into a man's embrace, as her confident face said it all meanwhile her light purple eyes stared into gojō's azure ones, as if she was taunting him.

"I'm afraid they're not quite fond of cocky shamans", reina whispered as she slipped from gojō's embrace and hung the apron.

the woman then handed the two boxes of cake to gojō, sending him out the café.

"have a safe trip", reina said, bidding the white-haired male goodbye as she then sighed, cleaning up the mess in the kitchen as the café chimed once more, with another following a few minutes later.

"I thought I warned you about getting too close to him".

"is that you speaking from jealousy or your overprotectiveness of your ex-friend, suguru?"

reina's eyes flickered upwards as she wiped her hands dry, meanwhile the dark-haired male — with no stitch across his forehead — had slightly frowned.

"the latter", he answered.

reina hummed as she tilted her head from side to side, pinching her shoulders a bit to release the tension.

"pity, I was hoping for the first one", reina softly chuckled, moving her hand forward as she rubbed the bangs that occasionally shielded the man's left eye.

getō was about to slap the woman's hand away before reina had removed her hand by herself.

"though you needn't worry for your friend, as quite frankly, he's not on my radar", reina assured, letting loose her hair as she headed upstairs with getō following.

"now, what is it that you need?", reina asked once she reached a locked room where most of her research and experiments took place.

"I need more curses to control, specifically sukuna", getō smugly stated.

reina chuckled.

"sukuna's always such a popular topic", reina smiled, examining her three jars that held three of the nine death painting wombs.

"can you get him on my side?", getō asked, even though he hated requesting help from his savior, who was ultimately a curse.

reina sighed, as she cutely tilted her head to the side.

"now when have I turned down the request of my favorite human?"

MISS DEATH {s. gojo}Where stories live. Discover now