chapter 2

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Note: Hi, I'm not dead. I want you all to please read this, and just remember this, moving forward with this story. If you couldn't tell from the first part of the story, I was not the most cultured individual in the world and lore of destiny. But after a long ass break and new ideas out, I finally have more knowledge on the lore, and I feel more confident in my writing ability. Ngl, I'm not satisfied with the first chapter at all. So, moving forward, forget the whole Zelda spying on the vanguard thing. Forget the cringe thing where Zelda stole from a high ranking member of the vanguard... Throw it out the window. Never happened. What you should keep in mind, is Zelda was with the Awoken. That is true. She did get picked up by Cayde, but I thought it would make more sense for Cayde to find her alone, stranded on Earth in the city, homeless. So, he took her in, but still had the hand cannon. So... Yeah. Why didn't I just write that, change the first part? Well, I want the first part to stay, be a reminder on how much I have grown and changed as an author... And because I am hella lazy and don't want to rewrite all that. So yeah... Enjoy. Oh, one more thing; while this chapter is a bit of an improvement, it is not... Amazing... Chapter 3 is going to be amazing, trust me. Well, amazing compared to all of this. For real, this time, enjoy

Cayde set his prized cannon on the table next to his bed. Zelda set her stuff on a table near the bathroom. 

“You are free to make food for yourself or use the shower. My home is your home.”

Zelda nodded. She walked into the bathroom and set her clothes on the floor. As she did, one of her dog tags fell out of a pocket. She looked at it and closed it in her hand. She still couldn’t get over the death of her queen. But she had to let it go one way or another. She placed it back in it’s pocket. She turned on the water and set it a suitable temperature. She stepped in and let the water flow down her blue skin. 

Meanwhile, Cayde inspected her gun again. But this time he took it apart. He found what he was looking for. A chip. He plunged it into his computer and saw… her. His partner. 

“Ok. So… if anyone is watching this, that means I am dead or someone knew about the chip inside of my favorite weapon. Shout out to Banshee-44. But anyway. I hope this made Its way to you, Cayde. If it made it to anyone else, then please turn this off. This video is very personal and it won’t help you find treasure or anything hidden for you. Cayde… you have been so good to me. And i thank you for it. I just wish i could be with you. And i wish we could be with our son but… he’s in a better place now. Yeah. If you are hearing this, Cayde, i found out more about our past. Even though Zavala begged me not to go digging time and time again, i found out more about our past. Ace… or at least… that’s what you nicknamed our son, is dead. He has been for decades, obviously. I’m sorry to say it but it’s true. I don’t know much about our son but i remember we loved him. We were family. And i’m sorry i have to leave this because it means i’m dead. So you have lost us both. But you’ll never lose Ikora or big boy Z. They are your family, Cayde. Never forget that. Oh and hey, do me a favor… punch the Drifter as hard as you can in his stupid face. That bastard owed me and never paid me back. Settle the score, will ya? Oh and… i love you, Cayde. Goodbye.” Cayde looked down at his partners prized cannon and reassembled it. He placed it back where Zelda put it. A few minutes after Zelda had her shower, she walked out to see Cayde watching the news report on his tv. 

“The city still remains strong as no one and nothing has attacked the city successfully in decades. In other news, the Titan known as Mad Maxine killed Oryx and his followers. She truly is an amazing Guardian.” For the rest of the night, Cayde just watched the news with Zelda until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep, Cayde sighed to himself.

In the morning, Zelda woke up in Cayde’s bed and looked around. Cayde had his feet propped up on a table while sitting in a chair and he had fallen asleep. She looked to her right and just about jumped when she saw a ghost floating right next to her. 

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