Klaus and Kol went down into the basement to indulge in a bloody beverage instead of bloody Mary's. Adeline made sure to feed before the party so she could control her urges.

"Yes! That's game!" She yelled as she sunk the ball in the last cup, winning the game.

"Wow blondie— not bad." Damon smirked, he was impressed.

Adeline was laughing and mocking Jeremy and Matt for losing to them when she saw Elena walk out the door— which wouldn't have been weird except she saw the new guy Isiah follow closely behind her. A shiver coursed up her spine and she knew something was off.

Adeline excused herself from the game and walked out the door. She saw Isaiah inches away from Elena, clutching her arm.

"I know you know who the vampires are in this town!" He shouted. "You've been known to hangout with them."

"Get off me! I don't know what you are talking about." She lied.

Adeline rushed over and grabbed the boy by the arm, throwing him to the ground. He was panting as he sat in the ground, trying to back away from a very angry Adelines who's veins were protruding from under her eyes.

"Who are you and what the hell are you after?" She spat.

"You're one of them." He said shakily.

Before Adeline had a chance to respond to him, a needle packed full of vervain was stabbed into her neck and she hit the ground, passing out instantly.

"Grab em' both." The man ordered. "And you get back in the party and see if you can pick anymore out."


Klaus came up from the basement with his siblings and scanned over the crowed to find Adeline. He didn't find her immediately so he walked to the kitchen and she wasn't there, he went upstairs and she wasn't there, he checked every room in the house and she was no where to be found.

"Where is Adeline?" He asked Elijah.

"What? Is she not here?" Elijah questioned and began scanning his eyes around the room.

"No!" Klaus spat. "I can't find her anywhere."

Both the siblings scoured the party again, double checking but they still didn't find her. There was a knot twisting in Klaus's stomach he had been through things like this to many times to know something is wrong.

"You." He said pulling Matt by the arm. He looked into his eyes. "Where is Adeline?" He compelled him.

"I don't know." Matt answered honestly.

"When did you see her last?" He compelled him again.

"I saw her go outside with that guy and Elena." Matt said pointing to Isiah who was standing next to Bonnie looking around the party.

Klaus let go of Matt's arm and stalked across the house, headed straight for the new guy. Elijah was following closely behind. Klaus wasted no time— he grabbed Isiah by the neck and pinned him against the wall.

"Klaus what the hell!" Bonnie yelled.

"Where is she!?" He screamed.

"I don't know what you are talking about man." Isiah shook.

Everyone in the party was turned and looking at Klaus now. Someone even decided to cut the music. Klaus looked down at the floor and laughed before looking back up at the boy in his hand.

"Do not make me ask you again because I get very angry when I have to ask again." Klaus spat.

"He doesn't know anything!" Bonnie yelled.

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