Chapter 1: Empty House

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San José, California 1975

Mickey's Pov

I quickly packed the rest of my clothes in a tattered backpack. I tied the suitcase to the backpack leaving it beside my wall. I quietly opened the window feeling the night cold breeze through my hair. Feeling the adrenaline in my veins and the fear of getting caught crept into my brain giving me more reason to leave. 

I grabbed my bag and climbed out of the window like I have many nights before. The only difference was that it was gonna be the last time, seeing as I decided to run away from home. A car was parked across the street with no headlights yet the engine was on. To many, it would seem sketchy and scary but I walked to it seeing the trunk opened, I placed my bags in there before closing it shut and walking towards the passenger side.

 I slid inside feeling myself relax against the leather seats. I faced my knight in shining armor, Frankie or Nikki as he liked to be called now cheered. "Let's get the fuck outta here." with his signature smirk on his face. He stepped on the gas, burning rubber and making too much noise at 3 am but I couldn't care less, I was free. As we sped away I stared longingly at the house I once called home now standing vacant and dead very much as it left me.

 My mother was a drug addict but stopped when she found out she was having me. She was by herself since my dad left her, after I was born she went back to her habits but still tried to give me a happy childhood which made me love her very much. She then met Danny, my step-father, who was abusive but helped us stay off the streets. 

He was the cause of her death when I was 7 which left me heartbroken with no one to turn to. He hurt me every chance he had but in places that weren't noticeable. I even tried committing but was not successful since he had found me and brought me back. Once Nikki told me his plan to leave I took the chance to leave with him, I sighed feeling like something was lifted off my shoulders as we drove farther away. 

Nikki sent me a small smile before he turned the radio on max as we listened to KISS knowing it made me feel better. We laughed and sang to the songs until we reached Los Ángeles, the Home of our newfound dreams. We pulled up to a parking lot where Nikki attempted to call his deadbeat dad once more only to be crushed again. 

I looked out the car window seeing my best friend stare at the phone and hang up. The Jack Daniels bottle sat on top of the phone, as I was about to ask for the bottle he grabbed it smashing it against the phone booth. Shit, there goes our booze. Knowing Nikki my whole life I decided to leave him to his thoughts once he climbed back into the driver's seat.

We pulled up to a crappy motel where he had made a reservation beforehand. We took our little belongings to the room where there were two small beds. I had noticed a small vending machine as we went up to our room. I fished in my pocket finding a dollar and a couple of quarters. 

"Hey, Nikki boy? I'll be back okay?" I asked the black-haired boy who was skimming through the tv channels. "Okay be careful, yell if you need me." He mumbled before returning his attention to the tv still noticeably sad and angry with his absent father. I gave a small smile before I skipped down the stairs to the vending machine. 

I bought a packet of M&Ms which was his favorite candy and my favorite chips. I walked back upstairs and entered the room. I threw the packet towards him which hit his face and landed on his tummy. "Ow, my handsome face!" He whined jokingly, I laughed and smiled seeing his face light up seeing his favorite candy. 

"Thanks, M." He grinned. "Yea yea now you owe me a soda." I smiled widely at the thought of having a cold coke in my hand. "Love, you have a serious soda addiction." He responded seriously. "Oh piss off chocolate boy," I whined defending my unhealthy addiction.

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