"YES HOLY FUCK YES" emma screams.

"we have to" i say.


hey al :3 are we still gonna see you tomorrow?

yes please i miss you so much

i miss you so much it's been too long. very excited to see you & hug you for 3 hours!!

also excited to hug you for 3 hours!! love you sue

love you too al

weston is basically the only one that calls me al and i love it. i call him sue so we both have old people name. it's weird but it's us.

me and weston have always been so close and touchy which i'm never very touchy with people but weston is and it just rubs off on me.

"why are you smiling so much at your phone- DO YOU HAVE A LOVER YOURE NOT TELLING ME ABOUT??!!?"

"no it's just weston you freak" i say laughing.

"omg you seemed like you just like won a cat or something. what did he say?" emma asks.

"i want a cat so bad omg stop. and we were just talking about tomorrow" i say.

"mmmmhmm suuurrrree. i fucking hope you guys get together and adopt a bunch of cats and live in a cottage" emma says laughing.

"folks whatttt westons my best friend that would never happen. plus i'm incapable of having a relationship you know that" i say.

"i dont know i definitely wouldn't be surprised if you guys got together you're the same person and have such a good relationship. and you're not incapable you just haven't met the person that meets your high ass standards" emma says.

"i suppose but no i dont know westons definitely like my soulmate but more of a friend soulmate?? ya know?" i say.

"keep telling yourself that. i'm gonna force him to fall in love with you so you guys aren't so lonely" emma says laughing.

"shut it i'll just get a cat" i say as we both laugh.


we finally get to the burrito place and walk to the ordering area. all the seating was outside so we order at the window then go sit down when we see-

"NO WAY" i hear a familiar voice yell as i turn to it.

"OH MY GOD" i say as i realize it's weston and kalynn and i start running to them.

we're all running to each other and i run to weston and practically maul him and emma runs to kalynn and hugs her.

then i hug kalynn and emma hugs weston.

"i've missed you guys so much" i say as we all stop hugging.

"i've missed you guys too" kalynn says to me and emma.

we go and sit at weston and kalynns table. me sitting next to weston with emma across from me sitting next to kalynn.

weston immediately hugs me as we sit down and he just have our arms wrapped around each other but are facing emma and kalynn.

"i literally never run into people i know in la this is amazing" emma says.

"yeah we never see people either. what have you been up to emma?" weston asks.

"just moving into my house and stuff that's basically it. what about you guys?" emma asks.

"we've just been doing youtube and streaming and that's absolutely it" kalynn says.

"al how's the new apartment?" weston asks me.

"i really like it but i need to buy a lot of furniture and stuff. i'll probably do that like all this week" i say.

"well if you need help or want someone with you please let me come, i love furniture shopping" weston says.

"yeah of course you can come and help" i say.

we all continue catching up and our food comes to we all eat and just hangout.


it's now about 8:13pm and we're all done eating and are getting cold.

"wanna go get froyo?" kalynn asks everyone.

"um absolutely" i say.

"al i'm going with you" weston says.

"we took emma's car so we can't let kalynn be alone" i say.

"i'll go with kalynn and you drive my car and take weston" emma says as she tosses me her keys.

"yeah let's do that, follow behind me" kalynn says.

"okay see you there" i say.

me and weston start to walk to emma's car and weston puts his arm over my shoulder.

"you've been extra touchy tonight, did you miss me that much?" i say laughing as we get into the car.

"yes i missed you that much and i also just love being close to you" weston says.

"why's that?" i ask as i start the car.

"i just do i dont know do you not feel like that too?" he asks.

"no i definitely do but i just feel like i've never seen other people be as touchy as we are and it's odd" i say laughing.

"yeah honestly same. maybe we're just in love" weston says.

"probably. now play some victorious songs before i freak out the freak out" i say.

"omg finally i was waiting for you to say that" weston says as he starts playing freak the freak out and we're just screaming the lyrics and laughing.


we finally get to the froyo place. we walk to the door and emma and kalynn are already inside.

"what took you freaks so long" kalynn says as we walk to them.

"sorry guys uh we were uh making love in emma's car" weston says as he looks at me and puts his hand on my cheek and just smiles.

"very funny" emma says as we all start laughing.

we all get our froyo and walk outside to the cars.

"alright well we should go home, are we still gonna do the coffee cam tomorrow?" kalynn says.

"yes if you guys'll have me" i say.

"um duh" weston says.

"and emma if you wanna come you can!" kalynn says.

"sadly i have meetings all day tomorrow but we'll do one soon for sure" emma says.

"okay well alex we will pick you up at 10am tomorrow? does that work?" kalynn asks.

"yes i'll be ready" i say.

"okay well love you guys it was so good seeing you early" kalynn says as we all hug.

"love youuu" emma says.

"love you freaks see you tomorrow" i say.

"love you babe" weston says to me jokingly knowing how badly i hate the word babe and baby.

i start walking to emma's car and flip him off.

we get into the car and emma drives me home.

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