Reaction Formation in MLA Format

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I would love you if you listened to me.

They are calling out to you trying to tell you what you are, but you don't know it's a call and you're certain it's not for you.

On the right hand, there's a staircase to infinity, but on the left, you're losing everything you love one time or another.

In this memoir, we explore the vast open space of youth, flat and spanning wide as the eye can see.

First, there is the moral dilemma between staying and leaving, others or yourself.

Once you've decided, your fate is sealed.

Now face the issue.

There is physical evidence of your presence in the treasure room. You're screwed.

Find the quietest way out.

There is a moral dilemma between staying and leaving, others or yourself.

To discover your own motives underneath what you covered them with is treachery, so hold your breath.

Your tongue is heavy, thick, and slow, weighed down by truancy.

Your arms are weak and frail but they weigh as much as lead.

You sit too far toward the back of your head, drifting further and further away until suddenly you're no longer inside your body.

You die. Now what?

The million-dollar question.

To discover your own motives underneath what you covered them with is treachery, so hold your breath.

You don't look pretty smoking a cigarette like the girls in the movies, stop wrecking your lungs.

Go outside, fall to your knees, fall apart, have a conversation with a stray cat in the yard and come back anew.

Here's what I would have done differently; the paint in the living room should be a lighter shade and your hair was a little longer than that at the time.

O, they pass, the sensitive shy years.

There hasn't been an original thought in decades.

You don't look pretty smoking a cigarette like the girls in the movies, stop wrecking your lungs.

In conclusion, we never say what we mean so eventually everything will end, just like this.

We'll let go on a whim and begin to fly, and just like this, we'll be shot down from the ceiling.

But I would love you if you listened to me.

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