"Zhan" Xiao Zhan also said in a shaky tone.

"You shouldn't think much, it's not good for your condition. Thinking might only trigger your hormones. Take care" he smiled warmly and walked out from the room, Xiao Zhan's tears instantly came rushing out as silent sobs left his mouth.

"How could you do this to us Wang Yibo, I thought you loved me...!"


"Thank you for everything" Xiao Zhan thanked with a wide smile to Taio as he parked the car in front of Wang Yibo's condo.

Taio nodded his head. "Do you want me to escort you, it's pretty dark" he asked.

Xiao Zhan shook his head. He didn't know how time flee but before he knew it, it had gotten dark. For a moment he had panic thinking of how Wang Yibo must be searching for him but when the image of Zoe flashed in his head, his vision was clouded by jealousy, he didn't want to face Wang Yibo but he had to, after all the child in his stomach also belonged to him. "No, thank you. I will be find from here"

"I think you should speak to your husband, he must have an explanation for whatever he did" Taio passed and Xiao Zhan stared at him blankly. If he remembered correctly, he didn't tell him what was bothering him. He only stayed in that room, drowning himself in sorrow.


Taio smiled, showing off his dimples. "Am a doctor, I can tell what's going on with a person. You are upset because someone you love must had done something to you, I believe it has to be your boyfriend or your husband"

Xiao Zhan blinked a few times, processing what he just heard. He never knew he was that obvious. "Oh"

"Am free tomorrow, if you don't mind we could meet. You look like someone who needs a friend to talk to, I can be that friend if you want" Taio offered, with a charming smile. Xiao Zhan blushed adverting his gaze.

"Here is my card, call me if you are free tomorrow, we could grab a bite. It's my treat" Taio pulled out a card to Xiao Zhan, who slowly accepted it.

"Thank you Taio, I wouldn't have known what would had happened to me if you hadn't save me from those guys, I owe that to you" Xiao Zhan appreciated.

"Don't mention it, I couldn't let that happen. Guess I will see you tomorrow" Taio bite his upper lip.

"Am not sure but let's see what it would bring" Xiao Zhan said one last time before stepping out from the next, he put a few distance before turning back to Taio and waved, then he headed towards the penthouse, willing to accept whatever it had to offer.

Reaching the door, he noticed how the lights were still on from the inside, Xiao Zhan took a deep breath and pinned in the door code and it opened with a ding, immediately he came face to face with a messed up Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan blinked, unable to look away.

His hair was cluttered from continuous grazing, his face was brutish, his eyes were blood shot, he looked in the mood to commit murder, his white sleeves were fold up as usual but they was smudged, Xiao Zhan didn't fail to notice his bleeding knuckles, he obviously must had punched a wall again.

Old habits.

"Everyone leave!" He ordered and that was when Xiao Zhan noticed the others in the room, even Zhucheng was present. Following his order, everyone left the house leaving both of them together and Wang Yibo immediately slammed the door shut. "Where the fuck are you coming from!" He exploded, unable to bare it any longer. At that moment he didn't care about anything, the agony he felt for hours had blinded his vision of reasoning.

"Am pregnant Wang Yibo, will you stop screaming!" Xiao Zhan demanded in a calm tone, catching Wang Yibo off guard.

Wang Yibo suddenly let out a fiendish laugh, his eyes turning darker. "Do you have any idea what would have happened to you unguarded!"

"Then you should have thought of that before you cheated on me and broke my heart!" Xiao Zhan also yelled.

"I didn't cheat on you, not everything is as it seems" Wang Yibo defended himself. Only if the other knew how he would have run mad if he hadn't showed up. Everything was happening because of a futiled misunderstanding.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Xiao Zhan said unbelieving, he couldn't believe the fact that the other man was denying what he saw with his own eyes, he obviously wasn't hallucinating.

"Did you see my lips on her's?" Wang Yibo questioned and Xiao Zhan immediately shut his mouth. Yes he didn't see them kissing but with how close their bodies were, he couldn't stop himself from assuming. Who knew what they were doing before he entered.

Wang Yibo stepped forward and placed both his hands on Xiao Zhan's shoulders. "It's not what you think and if you had let me explain before running out, I won't be going mad searching for you. I would have turned this city upside down!"

Xiao Zhan shook his head as tears slipped out from his eyes. Was this only a misunderstanding, did he really see wrong, did he picture something else seeing how intimated they were?

"If you want, I can show you the CCtv footage of that meeting, I have never been a cheat and I won't start now" Wang Yibo expressed and Xiao Zhan broke into sobs. Wang Yibo immediately wrapped his hands around him, putting him his warm embrace, while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Xiao Zhan cried and circled his arms around Wang Yibo's waist.

"Am sorry" he apologise, soaking the other's shirt with his tears.

He would had lost their child for a mare misunderstanding....how stupid of him.


Another difficult chapter but here we are...!

It's going to be a double update because I won't be updating for a few more days.

Hope you guys don't mind, I have a lot that needs my attention but I will surely reply to your comments and messages.

Stay safe and be happy...!

Thanks for reading...!

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