Chapter 6

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Oreki-What is it?

Eru- Can you tell me about your junior high days


-bell rings-


Oreki-later i'll tell you about it in here

Eru-but oreki-san its friday today

Oreki-i forgot this friday your going to leave early

Eru-Im sorry , maybe i should cancel it

Oreki-no its fine, maybe on monday

Eru-what about saturday?

Oreki - but (im to lazy to go out of the house on saturday)

Eru- i have to go now see ou tomorrow oreki-san *runs to classroom*

Oreki - . . . . -dissapointed- argh... what have i done .. now i have to leave home tomorrow i was going to lie down and do nothing *goes back to classroom*

:After School Satoshi was in the sewing club , Mayaka Was in the manga society club Oreki is in the clubroom:

Oreki- ( i accidentally went to the clubroom , even thou no one is here) its time to go home... *goes home*

:Oreki Resident:

Oreki - Im Home

Tomoe- Welcome Back

Oreki - whats for dinner

Tomoe- just some instan ramen

:both of them sat down and started to eat:

Tomoe- how was school

Oreki - long

Tomoe-so hows that girl ?

Oreki - what girl?

Tomoe- the one with violet eyes

Oreki - Ah! Chitanda Eru

Tomoe-oh so thats her name , isn't she the one with the big rice factory?

Oreki-  yep

Tomoe- oh, yeah i forgot to tell you that  i have i buisness trip i wont be back for 2 weeks

Oreki- oh okay , but i'll be goin out tomorrow

Tomoe- okay i'll leave on sunday so tomorrow lets go buy some stuff for my travel tomorrow

Oreki- but i have a meeting with a schoolmate

Tomoe- its okay since its just a meeting and not a date

Oreki - ( i can't have her hang around me while im with her she might give a awkward atmosphere)Nee-chan Im Meeting a girl

Tomoe-so is it a date ? , if it is i'll just have to check then go buy things on my own

Oreki - yes its a date (what am i saying now i have more things to do)i'm done eating

Tomoe- i'll wash the dishes you go take a bath first

Oreki - hai *goes to bathroom*

:Bathroom Again:

Oreki- *washing hair*(what am i going to tell chitanda tomorrow , do i just tell her "this is now a date" , what if she gets the wrong idea ,  what if i said "my sister is going to observe us can we be all lovey dovey" , not that one that will give her the creeps) *done taking a bath then changes clothes*

:At Oreki's Bedroom:

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