But I also left my family behind, I love my family so much. I grew up in a small town in Wales, close to the capital Cardiff. I have the most amazing younger siblings, Luca and Louise they're twins and they're 11 so they've just started Year 7, they are both the kindest kids I know always willing to put others before themselves, I have a feeling that won't last very long though as they're going into their teenage years, which means puberty and hormones. I wish them both good luck. I know exactly where they both get their kind hearts from, our mother Helen she has a heart of gold that woman, never says a bad thing about anyone. She gives the most amazing advice, I hope that one day I will raise my kids the same way she raised us, with kindness and patience. 

Now that just leaves my dad, unfortunately he passed away when I was 16, he was involved in a road accident with work, he was a police officer. He was working a shift and there was a collision on the motorway, some moron was speeding and he didn't see the car my dad was in and it ended with my father and his work friend dying in the accident. When we had a family friend who worked with my dad knocking on our door telling us that he was dead, that was the worst day of my life, I'd never felt more heartbroken than in that moment.

 I had an incredible relationship with my father, the main common denominator in our relationship was music, he was such a huge music fan ranging from Elvis too the Beatles, Queen, Fleetwood Mac anything from the 50s up until the 80s he loved, the thing he loved most after his family of course, were his vinyls. I'm pretty sure he owned over 100 vinyls he would constantly be playing some sort of music when he was in the house using his record player. He was so obsessed with the damn thing but his love for music is what made him who he was. And I miss him everyday, what I would do just for one more chance to sing our favourite songs together or even just to say goodbye. I would do anything.

My fathers death really took a toll on my mother, she was absolutely devastated but that didn't stop her from being the incredible woman that she is though when raising both me and my siblings with the love and support she believed we deserved. My parents were so in love you'd always catch them sneaking in little kisses every now and then and they'd always cuddle on the sofa after we'd eaten when me and my siblings had gone to our rooms to do god knows what. But it was the little things that they did to show how much they loved and appreciated each other, I always dreamt as being as happy as them. Don't get me wrong they argued all couples argue but one of them would always give in and go talk it out with the other and resolve whatever issue they were having. 

Now I'm not saying that my fathers death has affected my view on love and committing to someone when there's always that minor possibility of losing them, however I have developed a slight fear. I still want to find love and get married and have kids in the far future but it still scares me with the fact that one day I could have a knock on my door telling me that I've lost the person that I had given my heart too. 

I've never been the most out going person, I would get picked on in school for some stupid reason either something to do with my hair or my weight, kids can be nasty and I guess I learnt that the hard way, I always wanted to make friends I always wanted to try and step out of my comfort zone so when I'd go and try and speak to the other kids in my year it kind of backfired when I picked the wrong group girls to approach even though I had been in the same school as these girls since I was like 3, I never spoke to them because I was so shy my only real friend was Natalie but then when I tried stepping out of my comfort zone and getting some new friends they called me a freak and that I was too shy to hang out with them and that should just go back to being a loser, pretty shitty excuse if you ask me but bearing in mind we were all 8 at the time so little 8 year old kids can be bigger brats than I thought. So after that day I never really spoke to any one but Natalie, there would always be some kind of comment made about me but I chose to ignore it, I didn't want to give them the reaction they wanted, That didn't stop them though.

Once I had reached secondary school our friendship group had grown to three instead of two, we became friends with a girl called Jodie we were friends with her for a good couple of years, always the three of us doing things together. With comments still being made to me, one day Jodie just decided that we weren't good enough for her and started hanging around with the people that were horrible to me, she became one of them so I lost all my trust in her and never spoke to her again after that. 

Things got better when I had left for university as no one new who I was it was a fresh start for me as I had moved out of Wales and started attending university in Birmingham. It was a great university don't get me wrong but it really just wasn't what I wanted, so after a long talk with my mum and a lot of thinking I decided to drop out. That summer I then moved to London in a little flat in Lambeth, the flat isn't too bad it's not the best but I was able to pay rent for a decent place smack right in the centre of the city. Which is perfect since we mainly play in bars that are central anyway. 

So here I am October 26th 2012 at 19 years old heading out the door of my flat to play a gig with my best friends, yet I had absolutely no idea this was the day that would ultimately change my life forever.

Oh wait, you don't even know my name how stupid of me I basically just told you my life story and I haven't even introduced myself. 

I'm Eliza, Eliza Danton

A/N: Holy smokes the first chapter is done ✅ 

I know there was no actual communication in this chapter I just wanted you to understand Eliza's character before we got in too the good stuff, also since this is the first chapter it is a little shorter than the rest, the chapters will get longer as the story progresses so please bear with me.  Also I apologise for any typos that I have missed!

 so I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter please let me know what your thoughts are, no negativity though please even though it's only the first chapter if you don't like the look of it just leave nothing mean needs to be said :) however I'm all for constructive criticism so if there's any way you think I could Improve I'd love to hear it! 

Wow okay well that's all from me now see you in the next one my dudes 

All the love 


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