Don't You Just Hate It When The Toaster Oven Tries To Kill You?

Start from the beginning

"Mmhm." I nodded.

"Look you two." our dad started. "You guys know that your mother and I are very proud of you both. You two are the first Witwickys to go to college!"

"Now I'm crying again!" our mother called from her room upstairs. "This sucks!"

"Your going to be fine Ma!" Sam responded.

"you know, hard for her to accept that her boys are all grown up, you know going out to handle the world on their own."

"Are those tears I see, oh dear father of mine?" I laughed, earning a sour look from our dad.

"No, no. I just got something in my eye!"

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, giving our father one last pat on the back before making my way into my bedroom, or, what used to be my bedroom.

"Hey gadget." I called softly to the mini bot sleeping on my empty bed. He slowly raised his helm, blinking his optics a few times with a small yawn. "That's it buddy, we're about to leave so I need you to wake up."

All of a sudden, every little bit of exhaustion faded from the small bots faceplate, a look of excitement replacing it. He let out a flurry of excited little beeps and whirls, jumping up and down.

I let out a loud laugh, picking up the excited mini-bot and placing him in the very same satchel bag I was wearing during the battle of mission city. Just as I was about to close it however, something strange fell out.

"What in the pit...?" I questioned, reaching to pick it up. I examined the small sliver of metal carefully, my eyes widening immensely at the strange symbols that adorned the side of it. "There's no way-!"

The Fourteen original Primes

"The names (D/S) Prime, a pleasure to be of your acquaintance"

The Allspark

"Hey Alpha Trion! Whatcha got there?"

The Fallen

"This is Wrong Megatronus, and you know it!"

He Shall Rise Again.

"You need to protect this planet from his wrath (D/S), or should I now call you-"


"What in the hell was-aghh!" I screamed in pain, dropping the shard of the cube within seconds of it burning my hand. "Son of a bitch!"

Gadget poked his head out of my bag, a look of concern on his small faceplate as he lets out a few beeps.

"I'm fine bubs." I wave him off, grabbing a small piece of my shirt to protect my hands from getting burned again. I go to pick up the shard once again before noticing it was gone, a sizeable hole in my wood flooring about to catch fire.



"Shit!" I screamed, causing gadget to jump slightly. The small bot beeps at me but I wave him off once again. "Gadget stay in my bag!" I ordered him, running into my bathroom and grabbing the fire extinguisher.

I quickly spray the open flame, the fire soon depleting into a small simmer.

"Damn." I commented, looking through the hole that the shard burned through my floor. "Dad is going to kill me..."

I heard my door slowly creak open, thinking it was Sam I quickly turn to it, about to explain that found of piece of the cube; but instead of being met with the ugly mug of my brother, I was met with even uglier mugs that belonged to at least 7 mean looking minibots.

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