Chapter 6

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One week later....

Madelines Pov:

It's the morning and I have been awake for a while I am getting discharged in 3 days which is exciting because I want to go to Seattle already. My favorite nurse walks in "Good morning Linda" I say. "Good morning Maddie, how are you feeling" Linda asked. "Good and you" I ask. "I'm great but where are your parents" Linda asked confused because they are always here. "They went back to the house to pack up our stuff because we're moving" I say. "Oh ok are you excited to move" Linda asked still giving her a checkup. "Yeah I mean I'm actually going to live in a family like I have Mark and my sister Sofia" I say. "And you call Sofia your sister but you don't call Mark dad" Linda asked they had a good friendship along the years. "I'm waiting for the right time because what if he doesn't like it then that'll just be awkward" I say. "He is going to be living with you Maddie I think that's as awkward as it gets" Linda says. "How is that awkward" I ask. "I honestly don't know it just is" Linda says. "Well you think in that I have to go check on other patients" Linda says. "Bye" I say as Linda walks away.

It was 5 pm and Mom and Mark come in "Hey" I say. "Hi sorry we took so long" Mom says. "It's fine" I say. "We finished packing though" Mark said. "Yeah we send everything out in 2 days" Mom says. "The day I get discharged from prison yay" I say they didn't laugh though boring. "Well we brought snacks and we're going to watch a movie" Mark says laying down on the cot next to my bed. "What movie" Mom asks laying down with Mark. "Lets watch 47 meters down" I suggest. "Ok lets watch it" Mark says as I put the movie on my laptop. While we are watching the movie we keep on seeing text messages from Nick 🤍 popping up on the screen. Mom and Mark look at each other "I think Nick needs your attention" Mom says smiling. "Shut up" I say rolling her eyes.
Nick🤍: Hey
Nick🤍: wyddd
Nick🤍: Maddie answer
Nick🤍: I'm bored
Nick🤍: Talk to me please 🥲
Maddie💖: Hey Nick
Maddie💖: I'm watching a movie with my parents and they keep seeing your name pop up I'll talk to you later
Nick🤍: Oh haha sorry tell them I say hi
Maddie💖: They don't know about you so no
Nick🤍: Fine 🙄

"So what did he want" Mom asked. "Nothing keep on watching the movie" I respond. "Ok" Mom says. The movie ends "Mark snores so loud" I complain. "And I'm the one that sleeps with him" Mom says. "I know you two made me" I say with a giggle. "Not that type of sleep with him" Mom says hitting me on the shoulder playfully. "Ok well go to sleep I'm taking him to an on call room and we'll be here in the morning" Mom says waking Mark up and both of them get out.

Maddie💖: Ok we could talk now if you aren't sleeping
Nick🤍: I'm wide awake
Maddie💖: Good because I'm not tired and I'm bored 🙂
Nick🤍: So how was your day
Maddie💖: It was fine I hate being in the hospital
Nick🤍: Hospital?
Maddie💖: Oh shit I forgot you don't know
Nick🤍: What don't Ik
Maddie💖: ft?
Nick🤍: Ok

She gets a call and answers right now she looks like this:

She gets a call and answers right now she looks like this:

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Nick looks like:

(Idk any of these people i just found them on pintrest)

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(Idk any of these people i just found them on pintrest)

Maddie: it looks like you're tired
Nick: I kinda am but not really. Why are you in the hospital though
Maddie: I tried to kill myself
Nick: Oh I felt that
Maddie: You've tried too?
Nick: Yeah no one found out though
Maddie: Well I called my mom because I regretted it last minute and she found me unconscious in a puddle of blood
Nick: Well I'm glad you're ok
Maddie: Same to you
Nick: When do you get discharged
Maddie: 2 days then I move to Seattle and we could hang out if you want
Nick: Ahhhh I'm excited to see you again
Maddie: Me too
Nick: Dude how do you look that good at 1 am
Maddie: I don't know but you do too
Nick: You're just saying that because I said it
Maddie: No I did not
Nick: Well I'm tired and I'm going to sleep
Maddie: Me too good night ugly rat
Nick: Good night ugly bitch Love ya
Maddie: Love ya more

I hang up and then I see Lexie at the door. "Why are you up" I asks. "I couldn't sleep" Mom says. "Why are you up" Mom asks knowing why. "You saw me talking to someone" I say. "Yeah and don't tell me it was Sofia because I heard a boy yell Love ya" Mom says. "That's how we talk he's my best friend" I say. "I know and I'm glad you have someone" Mom say. "Me too but I'm actually going to sleep now" I say. "Once Mark knows your best friend is a boy he isn't going to be happy" Mom says walking out. "That's why we don't have to tell him" I say getting comfortable and then I drift off into a deep sleep.

2 days later it's the day she gets discharged

I have been talking with Nick a lot these past few days and we are excited to see each other again soon. Mark doesn't know who Nick is and he doesn't know that, that's my best friend.

"Are you sure you packed everything" Mark said looking around. "Mark you've made me look like 10 times already I'm packed" I say a little annoyed. "Just making sure" Mark says looking at her. "Let's go I signed everything" Mom said helping me with my stuff. "Bye Linda" I say giving the nurse a big hug. "I will miss you" Linda says. "Me too" I say leaving walking away.

We all get to the car and are driving to the house which is only like 10 minutes away with a bit of traffic. We all get home and Mom is unlocking the door to go in. I go in and sees boxes all over the place "I don't remember seeing this house so empty" I say walking into the living room. "They're picking everything up in a couple of hours so we have to wait" Mom says. Madeline looks upstairs "I'm.. um.... gonna go upstairs" I say looking at mom then mom looks at Mark. I go upstairs and go into my room which was empty but something stood out which was the stain on the floor that's when the flashbacks came.

The cold blade on my skin slicing through causing blood to come out I liked seeing the blood it calmed me at times, but this time it was different after I saw the bleeding wouldn't stop I started regretting what I had done. I went to get a towel to stop the bleeding but that wasn't working either so I called mom and that was the last thing I could remember after fainting from the blood loss.

End of flashback

I'm against the wall crying over the flashback I just had and then it came to her 'did my parents find my blades.' Mom comes in with Mark right behind her to see me crying "What happened" Mom asks. "I'm sorry" I say hugging her. "For what" Mom asks confused. "For everything" I say. "Did you find my... um..... blades" I ask. "Yes we found them packing up everything in your closet" Mom responds. "Oh.. sorry those weren't meant to be found... I'm sorry" I say looking down. "It's ok Maddie I'm glad that you are good and alive" Mom says. "Mark are you ok" I ask. "Yeah I'm just happy you're ok" Mark said hugging me, he then pulls mom into the hug. "I love you guys" I say which made Marks heart melt because she has never said that to him before. "I love you guys too" Mom and Mark said almost in sync.

A/N- Sorry for not updating in a while I just didn't like how this chapter went so I rewrote it to this. Hope you guys like this chapter!!!

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