Chapter 1: Villainous Quirk

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"Come on mom! Wake up, wake up! Today is the day I get my quirk!" I excitedly say, shaking my mother awake.

"alright I'm up, I'm up." my mom says getting out of bed.

Hello, my name is Eric Spencer and today is a very big day for me. Today is my fourth birthday, which means I am going to get my quirk! Me and my mom already knew I would be getting a quirk due to the fact that I had slightly grayish skin and that my doctor said that I lack the extra joint that is usually associated with being quirkless. We were planning to go to the doctors later today to find out what my quirk is. Needless to say, I was very exited. I really hope I get a good quirk so that I can become a hero!

(time skip to later that day)

I was currently sitting next to my mother waiting for the quirk doctor to get back. I was practically vibrating from my excitement. I was currently coming up with all the quirks I could possibly have based on my parents quirks. My mom has a quirk that releases thread from her hands that can move things around, while my dads quirk is able to coerce people to do most things he wants, as long as it doesn't strongly go against their key values or caused self harm. Me and my mom moved to Japan from America a year ago because she got a job offer that she just couldn't refuse. My mom works as a representative for a support company based in America that is expanding to Japan. My dad works as a detective in America and uses his quirk to encourage criminals during interrogations to tell the truth. So far, most of the ideas I had were either boring or useless, but that didn't stop me from being excited. I get brought out of my thoughts by the doctor walking back in.

"Well, he certain does have a very unique quirk" The doctor tells my mom.

"What's his quirk?" my mom asks.

"Is it strong like AllMight's?!" I ask.

The doctor looks over to me. "It is definitely a good quirk. It will allow you emit a golden thread from your hands and allows you to control the body of anyone that is touched by the thread or makes eye contact with you." The doctor says. He looks back at my mom. "We still don't know that much about his quirk so please let us know if his quirk develops any other abilities or drawbacks." He says.

"Ok" my mom says.

"Does that mean I can be a hero?' I ask a doctor.

"Yes, you can be a hero." The doctor tells me.

"YEAH! I'm going to be a great hero like AllMight!" I say running around the room.

"You'll be a great hero Eric, but it's time to head home. We have a birthday to celebrate." My mom tells me.

"Ok mom."

(The next day at my preschool)

"Guys, Guys!" I yell running up to my friends in our classroom.

"Oh hey Spencer. What's up?" Friend 1 asks.

"I told you guys to call me Eric. But anyways I got my quirk!" I told them

"Cool, what is it?" Friend 2 asks

I then explain what my quirk does to them what my quirk does and they look at me, shocked.

"You got a villainous quirk?!" Friend 3 yells

"Villainous quirk? what are yo-" I start to say before being shoved to the ground.

"Get away from us villain!" Friend 2 shouts.

I look at them, shocked and hurt.

"W-Wha?" I ask starting to get teary eyed.

"You aren't our friend anymore! You don't belong here you villain!" Friend 1 says before running over to the other side of the class room and started telling our classmates I had a villainous quirk.

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