Chapter XII

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It's been three months, I could begin to notice the baby bump on my belly. It made me self-conscious about my body, some tops began to not to fit in me anymore. Jotaro took some time off work as we travelled from Florida to Paris. As we entered the hotel, I admired the floral print design on the walls as a king sized bed rested in the middle of the room. I immediately jumped onto the bed, it was an instinct that I had whenever I go into a hotel! The soft velvet covers wrapped around my body as I sunk into the mattress. Jotaro really does too much for me...

"Let's not get too hasty, we'll have our fun in that bed later..." I heard Jotaro whisper into my ear, I turned to see him above me. First of all, how did I not notice him crawling above me? I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to me and our tender lips interlocked.

"Go unpack then we can go out and visit somewhere special" He pulled away, heading towards the ensuite as I heard the showers water turn on. I opened the bag immediately finding lubricant at the top, I giggled at the thought of him being this considerate and began to change into a cute set of clothes. I was in just baggy clothes on the 10 hour flight, which at least made me comfortable but yet hideous in my fashion wear.


"Keep your eyes closed..." Jotaro muttered.

"Why can't I open them now?! I don't even know where I'm walking" I responded irritated, I clumsily tripped over a pebble just in time for Jotaro to catch me. I couldn't believe him right now, where on earth is he taking me?

"Alright, you can open them." He spoke, sliding his hand down to hold mine.

I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting to their surroundings. "Finally about time-" I stopped, looking at where we were. I soon realised we was at the 'Pont des Arts' which was also known as the famous 'Love lock bridge'. There was beyond thousands of locks on the bridge, the sun was setting down, shining down onto these locks as it was almost turning to nightfall. I looked back at Jotaro, as he held a locket and key in his hand. He took out his wallet revealing one of those multifunctional pocket tools. He used the sharp end and began engraving our first names together, causing me to blush like mad.

"For you, Madame" He passed me the unlocked locket. I stood their for a moment, staring at the engravings, I began walking towards the bridge's fence and put the locket on. Jotaro came behind me, wrapping one arm around me as he threw the key in the river. I was a bit irritated by this for the poor river, but I took no notice and kissed his cheek.


It was my first day of school, since I used to live in America I couldn't ever get used to the idea of going to a Japanese school. I felt homesick already, and stressed in case I mess something up in Kanji, my Japanese was good for an American yet I occasionally messed up whenever communicating with others. It could be my nerves and shyness just trying to ruin my life however.

I stepped into the school, heading to reception as I received a timetable. It was the ordinary, yet one thing that had intrigued me was 'Textiles'. I always adored the thought of making clothes, maybe I should become a clothes designer when I'm older? Yet, it was just a hobby of mine.

Hours passed on until my textiles class arrived, it was my last lesson and then I was finally free. I introduced myself to my classmates who I had in textiles since they were different from my other classes. I sat opposite of two talkative girls as they gossiped about boys... Typical. I layed the colourful cloths in front of me, getting to work as I put a blue thread into the needle, tying a knot at the end and cross-stitching. However, I couldn't help but over hear the two girls conversation.

"Oh my god, you'll never guess what! Jotaro talked to me today~" One of them gushed as she hugged her body in excitement.

"What! Are you kidding me, why would he talk to you." The other responded mockingly.

"He asked me where Mr Suzuki!~ You're just jealous, ugly!"

The other girl darted her eyes at her 'friend'. "Shut up, no boobs!"
"No boobs!"

"SILENCE!" roared the teacher, holding the two girls by their ears as they moaned in anger. Who the hell was this Jotaro guy and why was he so important to these two?

Class finished and I grabbed my brown satchel, heading out of class. Finally some fresh air, I gazed at the sky watching the birds fly across as I walked back home. Thank god nothing embarrassing happened today! As I turned my head, I hit something hard which made me fall to the ground. My satchel flew out of my hand onto the grass. I looked to where I bumped into and noticed a tall buff man, probably 195cm. He towered over me as he had his hat tilted, conceiving most of his face.

"Watch where you're going, bitch" He snarled, I felt a cold rush run down my spine as I stood up grabbing my satchel.

"So-sorry s-so I'm... please me f-forgive I..." There we go, messing up my Kanji to the point where I don't even make any sense. I shut my mouth and bowed in apology and ran away. I could hear people begin to laugh causing tears to rush down my face.

Little did I know, Jotaro was staring at me as I ran, regretting the words that exited his mouth.


I walked into a cafe with my husband, Jotaro, as we ordered two black tea's. I glared at the menu, taking notice that they sold wine which I found a bit strange but I realised that French cafes are a bit different.

"D'accord, deux thé noir... Asseyez-vous s'il vous plaît et attendre pour ton ordre!" The cashier replied, with a cheery smile. I didn't understand a word she said, but smiled in response.

"Merci...beaucoup." Jotaro replied. I couldn't help but giggle at his poor accent with his attempts to communicate.

We went to sit down, and not long after our black tea's arrived. I blowed gently on my tea, cooling it down as I looked towards Jotaro who gulped the boiling hot tea. He catched me glaring, raising an eyebrow. I looked back at my tea and moments later I finished it.

"Hey Jotaro..." I began, glancing back at him. "I have some name recommendations for this little one" I rubbed my belly, hinting at the baby.

"And what is that?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Well..." I started "if it's a boy then maybe Joshua... And if it's a girl then maybe..." I thought for a second  "Jolyne."

"Why do they both begin with 'Jo'."

"I don't know... Just reminds me of you, Jotaro." I could see him blush as he tilted his cap, smirking.

We arrived back in the hotel, as I undressed and layed on the bed wrapping the covers around me. Jotaro grabbed the lube from the suitcase and pinned me down onto the bed.

"Ready?" He asked, glaring down at me with hungry eyes. I nodded.

"Let's try French style" I smirked, as I turned him around pushing him onto the bed while unzipping his trousers.


God, I had fun doing this since I am half French myself. This chapter is the longest chapter I have done so far! I hope you enjoy this wonderful chapter. Also, there won't be any lemon next chapter, sorry to disappoint you.

Fun fact about the author: The two letters of my first name begin with 'ju' so some of my friends and family would call me 'juju'.

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