Chapter V

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[Y/N POV]:

"So, you have PTSD then." I acknowledged "Jotaro... I wish you told me sooner about this. I would always be there for you and I'm so so so sorry about your friends." I hugged Jotaro tightly to show him I cared about him.

"I know... I'm sorry but I didn't want you to worry about me." He responded

"Now, don't ever go to that slutty therapist, it's obvious she's only in it to see you. Jotaro I have a friend who's a skilled therapist, I'll arrange an appointment for with him."

He smiled and kissed my forehead "I knew I made the right decision to marry you." I blushed and layed on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"One more thing" He added, I looked back up to his eyes "I've reserved a table for us at Irene's. We can go at 7PM, that's if you want to go of course..." He looked away.

"Of course I want to go, I wouldn't miss it in the world!" I rejoiced, he looked back smiling.

"I need to finish some work off, honey. Get ready for now." He stood up walking back to his office, looking back at me one more time before entering. I had the perfect dress for this occasion and I was dying to try it on.

[TIME]: 6:30PM

I got into my silk scarlet dress along with a faux fur coat, ever since I brought this beauty I was dying to try it. Since me and Jotaro rarely went out to eat, it was sitting in the closet allowing it to be eaten by dust. After cleaning it, it looked brand new.

"You look... Beautiful." I turned to see Jotaro in a black buttoned shirt with a vest over it, you  could still see the outline of his abs, he still had his silly hat on however.

"Jotaro, you know you're going to have to take off that hat. We're going to a restaurant, not to mention a fancy one" I insisted.

He made a "tch" type of sound, making me cross my arms until he submitted defeat and took off his hat. His hair was perfectly waxed back, I didn't understand why he would want to cover up his hair.

We got into the car, I rested my head on the car window. I looked out and it was already dark, trees whizzed past until we parked into a building as big as our house. It was so bright it stood out from where we were, a huge sign read "Irene's".

We walked inside waiting at a podium until a hostess came to assist us, we just got here yet she was flirting with my husband. I made sure I shot her with a glare making her tremble.

We arrived at our table, and Jotaro pulled out the chair for me to sit in. I sat down while Jotaro sat opposite to me, we looked at the menu's in silence until a waitress came over. I swear, woman are attracted to Jotaro, they always flirt with him whenever they get the chance.

I ordered Fettuccine Alfredo, a favourite Italian dish of mine while Jotaro ordered steak and chips.

"Sooooooo, how's work?" I asked

"Nothing new, just more complaints and work from my co-worker."

"You should tell them you have to much work on your hands, Babe..."

"It's not that simple [Y/N]." He grunted, his hand held over his face. Whenever he does this, I could tell he was stressed. His new co-worker had been bugging him non stop about work, it was making Jotaro even more tired and sometimes he would lash out on people due to stress. I held his hand on the table to comfort him, I could feel him relax as he smiled back at me.

Our food arrived and I dug into, enjoying every last bit. It was rare when I have Alfredo, I attempt to cook the dish but I fail all the time. The food felt heavenly, I just had to compliment the chef who made this.

We were almost done with our food, and I was finishing off desert. I excused myself as I went to the ladies restroom. As I entered, I could hear a woman calm a crying baby. I watched her cradle the child and rock it until she noticed me.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stare!" I felt embarrassed.

"No, it's fine." She laughed, still rocking the baby.

I went towards her, still staring at the Angel. "How old is he?" I inquired

"Just 3 months old, I couldn't leave him home so I came with my husband. Yet he's being a little bit of a mischief right now. Aren't you Dominica?" She booped his nose, causing the baby to giggle.

The woman looked back at me "Do you have a child of your own?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Honestly... I feel like I'm not ready yet, and I don't even know if my husband wants one. Yet, I would love to have a little one still." I sighed.

"I felt the same before I had this little gentlemen, I was afraid that I wasn't ready and my husband wouldn't accept the child. Yet, here I am now with my loving husband and a child I adore."

I smiled and looked at the baby as it stared at me, with a sparkle in his eyes. Maybe I am ready to have a child?

I said my goodbye's to the woman and her child and walked back to Jotaro just in time. I could see the waitress who served us flirting with him, which gave me an idea.

"Hey honey, are you ready to go?" I wrapped my hands around jotaro, kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush. "Oh sorry did l disturb you?" I stared back at the woman, her face was full of shock.

"Let's go." Jotaro replied, wrapping his arm around my waist. We walked back to the car, Jotaro taking the wheel. I glared out of the window until I saw a park, nobody was in it.

"Jotaro, can you stop here at this park for a second?" He parked the car on the side, and I opened the door feeling the wind blow against my face. I walked over to sit down on one of the swings, Jotaro coming from behind me.

"Why here of all places? He asked, I stared into the sky watching the stars twinkle and the moon glisten.

"Nostalgia I guess..." It was quiet for a while, he sat down on the swing beside me, watching the stars with me. I kept thinking about the woman with the baby.

"Hey Jotaro..."


I looked at him, my face was going bright red.

"Do you... Want a baby?"


How do you think Jotaro will react? Will he be excited or will he complain?

Thank you all for reading this far! I really enjoy continuing these making me more motivated!

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