"Yuh-huh." I groaned, getting back up and searching my limbs for Scott. I saw him speeding down my shins, his tiny legs moving as fast as they could.

I shook him off, and as he jumped onto the ground I aimed mini electric bolt at him.

As it hit him there was a funny zapping noise, similar to that when you catch a fly in an electric trap.

My eyes widened as I slowly approached Shrinky Dinky's body, mildly frightened that I had just fried him alive.

I let a breath of relief escape my lips as I saw his chest rising and falling before he returned to his normal body size.

"Oh my god." He sighed, clicking off his helmet to breath better. "If you keep electrocuting me I'm gonna have more electricity in me than you."

I grinned at him before leaving off to help Peter who was fighting Steve.

"PETER LOOK UP!" I yelled at him as a plane passageway started to fall on him.

He heard my warning just in time and threw his hands above his head to catch it.

"Where you from kid?" Steve asked.

"Queens." Peter answered, his voice coming out a bit strained.

"Huh." Steve smiled. "Brooklyn."

He gave me a slight nod smile before running off.

"You okay Peter?" I asked, helping his lift the thing off him.

"Yeh...just tired." He muttered. "Really tired, ima just lie down for a bit."

"Okay kid your done stay here i'll get Happy to take you home, you did great today." Tony praised him.

Peter objected at first, claiming he could still fight, but eventually gave in and collapsed back onto the floor.

I giggled before turning back to Scott who was now absolutely ginormous.

"YOU'RE HUGE!" I exclaimed, astounded at how I was meant to take down a giant.

Tony chuckled evilly into the comms. "That's what she said."

"Yeh, not to you." I shot back.

I heard Nat laughing as Tony huffed taking about how 'it's just a joke'.

"Hey Tony is that plane meant to be taking off?" I asked, watching a plane beginning to rise into the air.

"No it's definitely not." He answered before racing off. He was soon followed by Rhodey then Sam too.

I pursed my lips, feeling a little left out at not being able to fly, but then I realised, Thor could fly...and I had some of him in me right? Though he had a hammer...

I shrugged, might as well try I thought to myself.

I grabbed a metal pole I found on the floor and swung it round, as I saw it start fizzing with blue lighting, i pointed it toward the sky.

I gasped in astonishment as I shot off, my eyes watering at the speed at which I was flying.

"Woahhhh. Since when could you do that?!" Sam asked, an astounded look on his face.

"Since 30 seconds ago." I grinned.

Sam nodded, a smile on his face, clearly quite impressed. But his smile was soon wiped off his face a he sensed something coming from behind him.

He quickly manoeuvred himself out the way. "Exel move!"

"Huh?" I turned and saw a golden ball of something zooming toward me.

I swerved out the way just in time, however as it missed me, it hit Rhodey.

I yelped as Rhodey stopped dead in the air and I crashed into him.

The metal pole I was using to fly dropped out my hand as me and Rhodey began plummeting toward the ground.

Tony's POV

I abandoned my chase for the plane as soon as I saw Rhodey and Exel go down.

My feet blasters on full power, I was shooting toward them.

Sam's POV

I dove straight toward the ground, full speed, as was Tony.

My heart was beating out of my chest seeing the small body of Exel and Rhodey in his suit plummeting toward the ground.

Steve's POV

I had tears blinding my eyes as I saw the pair of bodies falling to ward the ground through the rear view mirror.

My breathing was cut short as I recognised the small body that was falling at high speed toward the ground.

It took everything in me not to turn the plane around.

Exel's POV

I needed to think fast, like really fast. I gritted my teeth together and strained my eyes to stop myself from losing conscience.

Then I got an idea.

Tony's POV

Still falling toward the ground I watched confused as Exel managed to turn herself to face Rhodey.

She then began moving her hands, blue bolts then emerged from her palms, and formed a sort of dome shape around Rhodey.

A force field.

Exel's POV

I sealed my eyes shut and tensed my body for impact.

I instead however felt a hand grab my ankle, just before my head was about to smash into the ground.

I looked up to see Sam looking down at me with a mortified expression.

I turned around to see Rhodey on the ground, a huge crater surrounding him from where he crashed.

Tony was knelt beside him, asking his suit questions about his vitals.

"Tony look I'm sorry." Sam started, but Tony simple held a hand up and blasted him back.

I could just about hear him muttering something about how 'okay he's alive, he's alive'.

Without saying another word Tony walked up to me and hugged me. I froze for a second not expecting this at all, before hugging him tightly back.

"Thank you Exel." Tony said, pulling away. "Thank you for saving him."

I smiled slightly at him, before I felt a tug on my shoulder.

"C'mon Exel let's get back to the others." Sam said.

I nodded, sending a final look at Tony who was crouched over Rhodey.

Okay so i'm really sorry for the snail slow update i just had difficulty focusing on it. So i don't really know if that was good or not, probably not but she kind of switched teams ish, so now she is with the rest of Steve's team atm. Xx will really try my best to update quicker.

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