Bed n Breakfast

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🎶 Can you hear me SOS, help me put my mind to rest 🎶

Steve's POV

I could do this all day.

As the girl said that sentence i felt somehow closer to her.

Stark came out the room, frustration written all over his face.

"Let's try again tomorrow. Put her in a room, same floor as us, we need to keep an eye on her." Tony ordered.

We all agreed before i went to the girl to lead her to her temporary room.

"Hey.." I realised i didn't know her name. "So um we'll take a break from the questions and you can take a break. You'll sleep in a room along our corridor."

She nodded her head before standing up and following me through the halls.

I picked a spare room between Me and Clint, pushing open the door revealing the simple room with a double bed and white desk in the corner.

"Thank you." She spoke up.

"No problem." I said with a smile. "If you need me i'm the room on your left."

37-D2's POV

As Steve left i pulled my laptop out and sat on the floor. I didn't really want to sit at the desk or on the bed, it didn't feel right after all my time on the streets.

I chuckled to myself as i once again hacked into Starks system.

I looked curiously into the security camera that i tapped into. I imagine it was videoing Starks work place as i could see him fixing/mending something.

I made all his computers go black and cut off FRIDAY.

'Whatcha working on?' I typed into the screen.

I watched as he huffed in annoyance before walking over to the security camera i was watching from. He stuck his face right in the screen.

"Look i'm not even bothered to sticky note this because you'll probably find another way to see me."


He rolled his eyes before walking back over to his machines.

"Can you turn my stuff back on." He asked in a gruff voice.

'What's the magic word?...'

"Can you turn my stuff back on PLEASE." He spoke through gritted teeth.

'Missing the cherry on top?'

"Please. with. a. cherry. on. top." He seething by now.

'Sure thing Starkie.'

Keeping my word i switched everything back on again.

Steve's POV

The next morning after getting ready i walked over to the girls room, intending to ask her what she wanted for breakfast.

I opened the door, i first looked towards the bed which hadn't been slept in. Worry began to flood through me. Had she escaped again? Omd Stark would murder. Scratch that. EVERYONE would kill me.

I was getting more and more stressed when i noticed a heap on the floor.

On close inspection i realised it was the girl, curled up on the floor, using her backpack as a pillow.

"Huh." I jumped as Clint appeared by my side. "Why's she asleep on the floor?"

"I really don't know?..." I answered.

"Anyways better wake her up. "He shrugged. "I'm sure Thor has made breakfast by now."


As Clint left to the kitchen i walked over to the girl and gently nudged her shoulder.

I jumped back a bit as she sat bolt upright, her fists up and her eyes wide.

"Woah woah." I said, trying to calm her down. "I was just gonna say that breakfast is ready."

"Oh...oh sorry." She stuttered out, standing up.

"No worries." I said straightening back up. "C'mon"

37-D2's POV

I stretched out my stiff limbs, hearing the subtle crack in my spine and legs.

"Stiff?" Steve asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Mmmm." I hummed.

He sighed before leading me to the kitchen where everyone was already sitting and eating.

"Hey kiddo." Tony waved as he stuffed his face with waffles.

"Take a plate and help yourself." Steve said, placing a hand on my back.

I flinched on instinct, instantly regretting it as i saw the hurt and worry flash in his eyes. I tried to cover it up with a cough and just walk over to the stack of pristine white plates.

For some reason, a funny feeling set in me, much like the one i had when i though about sleeping in the bed, before choosing to sleep on the floor.

I felt as though i wouldn't be able to handle or enjoy eating a lot of food, so walking past the pile of pancakes and waffles and the sizzling bacon, i went to the fruit bowl and chose a tangerine.

As i sat down at the table, in between Tony and Steve, they both looked at me as though i was an alien.

"What?" I questioned, worried i had done something wrong.

"Umm... It's just, don't you want something more to eat?" Steve asked his voice laced with worry and concern.

"Nah used to it." I said casually, beginning to peel the orange.

Steve looked at me with pity.

"No no no no no." I added, shaking my head. "Don't look at me like that. Like i'm some charity case, because i'm not, i was fine. I alive and more or less healthy."

Steve still had a sad look in his eyes, but kept his lips sealed.

"Anyways, Fury wants to have a talk with you today." Tony informed me.

"Fabulous!" I commented, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Just tell us if he gets too much." Steve told me.

"Why would you care!" He flinched slightly at my words. "You guys are the ones who captured me and took me to him in the first place. Besides, i handled my self for 6 years, i can certainly handle myself with some eye patch pirate."

With that i stormed out the room, honestly i didn't really know why i got so mad, but all i knew was that i was...

Next thing i knew i was running, i didn't even know where i just knew i had to get out before Fury could ask me any more questions.

I flung myself through multiple doors, and sped down hallway after hallway until i finally found my exit.

I took off, but right as i did i felt a sudden electric current flood through my body.

I briefly saw a man in S.H.I.E.L.D uniform standing next to me, holding a taser which was currently embedded in my neck.

Then it went dark.

You've got to be kidding me! Was all i thought before my world went black. Again.

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