Hacking Stark and Meeting Rogers

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-🎶 i wanna dance in the dark, come on, we gonna light up the night...🎶

37-D2's POV

I heard the familiar DING as i opened the door to my local supermarket. I walked through the aisles, scanning the shelves food that would keep. I dug my hand into my pockets, painfully aware of how low i was running on cash, i made a mental note to myself to fill up soon.

After placing the money on the counter i walked out the store, heading back to my 'home' between two dumpsters in a narrow alleyway where no one ever walked by and no one ever bothered me.

As i got back i sat down and pulled up my laptop. Yep you heard me laptop, the one thing i took with me from HYDRA. I had wiped all memory from it absolutely anything that could lead HYDRA to me, or in fact anyone to me.

I squinted my eyes as I read a news article about the Avengers, the 'superheroes' of our city, more like the world to be honest.

According to this they recently took out a HYDRA base. Woohoo! I thought to myself. Well done them.

I found it a bit surprising however at the amount of time it took them to find the base. I mean, i know of at least 2 or 3 other HYDRA bases which i'm always keeping an eye on.

That's when an idea sprang to mind.

I made quick work of hacking into Tony Starks computer systems, smirking at how easy it was.

Tony Starks POV

What in the....

Tony's eyebrows raised as the movie he was watching suddenly changed to a black screen with little sentences coming up.

'You really need to update your computer system. I mean like you do all this stuff to protect yourself from HYDRA and yet you can't even stop me from hacking into your computers!'

The billionaires eyes widened.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y!"

'Yeh i wouldn't even bother with that, i disabled him 20 minutes ago. For a genius you don't seem too smart to me...'

Had the situation been different Tony would have had the urge to laugh, but not right now.

He picked up an apple lying in the fruit bowl, still watching the screen as he moved to take a bite out of it.

'I wouldn't do that if i were you..."

He rolled his eyes, "Why's that Mr I-Know-Everything!"

'Because if you were to turn the apple around you'll see a fat bruise on it. And also it's MISS I-Know-Everything. Which is a correct statement.'

Tony looked up at this comment, seeing the security camera in front of him. He huffed before taking a sticky note and blocking it.

'Hey if you wanna go around sticky noting every security camera then be my guest, but it's gonna take a bloody long while so let's spare ourselves.'

"What do you want?" Tony asked, his voice verging on amused.

'I can tell you info on HYDRA.'

"Go on..." A more intrigued Tony inquires.

'Nah, where's the fun in that? Byeeeee:)'

Then suddenly the screen switched back to the movie and Tony was left slightly taken aback.

37-D2's POV

With a sigh i shut the laptop, a grin creeping its way on my face. No gonna lie...that was pretty fun.

I shoved all my stuff into my backpack (which i took absolutely everywhere), and headed to off to a gym. It's the only place i feel somewhat safe, and plus, it's a great way to release pent up anger, and i always have a bloody lot of it.

I walked into the gym, set my backpack down in a corner before pulling out some tape. I wrapped it tightly around my knuckles before heading over to a punching bag.

Steve's POV

I take a quick glance over my shoulder and see a young girl walk in. I'd say maybe 16. I watched in the mirror in front of me as she proceeded to set her stuff down and wrap her fists.

I watched closely as she began punching the bag, with fast and precision hits, each one filled with power and strength.

My eyebrows furrowed together. How has she learned to punch like that...

I kept an eye on her for the next hour. watching as she moved from punching bags to weights to running machines. With each stop she surprised me further with her strength and speed.

There's something different about her...

37-D2's POV

I left the gym after around an hour, and started walking back to my alleyway.

I started hearing footsteps behind me and felt my heart rate pick up. I found my mind running through multiple scenarios, a lot of them not ending well.

Someone cleared their throat loudly behind me.

I spun around my fists up.

Captain America...

My mind when absolutely blank. What the hell was going on?

"Hey kid you live around here?" He asked, concern flashing in his eyes.

"None of your business."

I then turned around and kept walking, my paces much faster than before.

I knew he was still tailing me. In all fairness he was pretty quiet and subtle. But i was blessed with good senses, and to be honest, you can only be so quiet when you are basically a walking war machine.

I rolled my eyes as he persisted to keep following me. Right, i've had enough of this shrimp!

I quickly took a sharp turn down a narrow street and hid behind an old car. Soon enough i saw Steve Rogers round the corner.

I took out my dagger, you don't want to know how i have it, not because it gruesome, it's just not that interesting either.

As soon as he passed in front of my eye line i stuck my leg and sure enough he tripped right over it. Before he had time to react, I pinned his arms down with my knees and held the dagger to his throat.

"Why are you following me!" I growled.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! Will try to update often but can't be sure Xx

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