"I'm sorry Niki, like I said to Punz there is so much going on that I wish I could tell you but it's hard I'm sorry. I'll tell you eventually I just can't right now." She says causing Niki to burst into tears and pull Night into a huge hug. I rub circles on Niki's back to help calm her down.

"I understand Niki, when I'm ready I promise I will tell you. You and Punz will be the first to know." I say smiling at her to hopefully make her feel better.

"What about Sapnap?"

"He already knows everything I've known him since I was 4."

Niki nods in agreement, we stay there fore a few more minuets Niki holding on to Night for dear life and me with one arm around Night and the other rubbing circles on Niki's back. Eventually we hear the bell ring and we head inside to our 4 period lesson.

*Time skip to after school*

<Nightmare's POV>

"Sapnap stop killing George and let him have his stuff back." I say hitting Sapnap.

I was playing Minecraft with Sapnap, George, Callahan and Bad, it was going well ..... ish. Well it was until George and Sapnap started fighting and well let's just say there was a clear winner.

"Listen you muffin head I will personally kill you if you don't give George back his stuff." Bad says.

Callahan whispers to you: why are we friends with them?

You whisper to Callahan: idk they are funny but at times like this I do question my decision.

"Hey I know you two are whispering to each other about us." Sapnap says.

"We are not." Both me and Callahan say simultaneously, acting fake offended.

"I'm surrounded by complete and absolute muffins." Bad says before we hear a bang then crying.

"Bad's gone crabRave." I say laughing, then having to run away from Bad as he tries to kill me.

"How about we make a church then an area of marked out land around it where you can't kill anyone." George suggested as Sapnap gave him his stuff back.

"That sounds like a good idea but no one would abide by it, there needs to be some consequences attached. But I'll get some quartz from my base I think I have lodes in a chest." Bad says running off to his house.

"Maybe we could have a if you kill in the holy land you get /kill 'ed by Night or Dream?" Callahan suggest.

"I like that idea. I also have tonnes of quartz." I say heading to mine and Punz's tower.

Awesamdude joins the game

"Sam just who we needed! Do you have any quartz and can you build or would be willing to help us I should say" I ask.

"Hi yeah I can help I have quartz I'm not using it on my house so I can spare some." He says.

"Oh and Night do you still need my readstone help?"

"I do would you be willing to do that tomorrow? I want to build a second area as I've noticed some people have been stealing from mine and Punz's tower so I was going to store stuff and build some farms." I say heading back to George, Sapnap and Callahan.

"Cool." He says.

We all continue to mess around and somehow build a church at the same time. There were only 4 deaths 2 from Callahan fall damage because he refuses to wear armour even though I made him a set of Dimond; one from George after Sapnap killed him; then Sapnap after I killed him for killing George.

"What's up everyone?" A loud voice rang through the vc.

"Hi everyone." A quieter but just as enthusiastic second voice spoke.

"Hey Tommy, Hey Tubbo, how are you two here have some steak." Bad says throwing them steak.

"I'm good what are you doing?" Tommy asks.

"We are building a church and a holy land that when inside no one can kill you or you get /kill 'ed." George explains.

"Nice who do we worship?" Tubbo asks.

"Whoever you want." I say.

"Can I worship the beauty that is Gogy?" Tommy reply's crouching in front of George.

"Mmmmmmm me gusta." Sam says as George mutter a quick omg.

We finished the last few bits of the church before most people log off leaving me and Awesamdude in the call.

"So Sam I may as well tell you what I need help with as your here." I say he makes a noise of agreement so I continue, "I can do all of the farms by myself I may need to ask your help but between my brain and tutorials I think I have that covered. What I need your help with is the door, like I can do flying machines but mine tend to be compact or big ones for industrial farms. I can do literally every other type of flying machine except for flying if doors they baffle me." I laugh.

"Perfect because flying doors are my speciality, doors in general are." He says, "I have one as the front door of my house do you want to see it it's not obvious so would be prefect for your hidden base idea."

"Sounds great can I see it now?" I ask.

"Ooh what are we going to see?" A new voice asks.

"Hey Punz how are you Sam is taking me to see his front door." I reply. ( in editing I realised how weird that sounds)

"Ah pog is this for the secret second base." He asks.

"Yeah." Awesamdude says, "I'm helping Night with the few bits of redstone she struggles with."

We head to Awesamdude's house and me and him talk about the house design and which farm designs are the best. Eventually Punz gets fed up and starts complaining.

"Cool thanks Sam I think we may have to stop here and give Punz attention." I laugh.

"Probably he does seem grumpy it's probably passed his bedtime." Awesamdude adds.

"Alright Fuck you two, but can I have that attention please?" He asks.

"Yes you can." I say moving my avatar to kiss his in game, Awesamdude also does the same.

We play for a little longer before saying our goodnight and logging off for the night.

——End of Chapter——

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