Chapter 1

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<Nightmares POV>

'First day at school in several years shouldn't be too bad at least Dream is here with me'

I was walking in silence next to Dream. I haven't been in several years as they stopped allowing me to go to school several years ago as I became 'dangerous' I wasn't I have never been it's just after my dad passed I always carried one of his weapons to remind me of him. But apparently your not aloud weapons in school.

"You ready today's gunna be good my friends will like you and they already know you anyway."  Dream says trying to reassure me but I can tell he is as nervous as I am.

"Thanks... but what if they don't like me in real life... like they think I'm weird or different" I blurt out without thinking. I've never been good at opening up to people but for some reason by twin Dream caused me to open up.

"You are different Night and that's exactly why they will like you" he says glancing at me rubbing his hand on mine quickly to calm me down. It worked.

<Dreams POV>

I'm nervous for one, Night isn't good at getting on with people she has a cold outer shell that's hard to penetrate. And for two I'm worried she's gunna get into a fight; I'm not worried about that for the normal reasons like she could get hurt more that she will get expelled for hurting someone else. Dad taught us how to fight so we can both handle ourselves but Night is especially good, I think it's because she hates feeling week.

The school comes into sight and I try to hide my worry but it's written plane on my face.

"Ok we are here you ready?" I ask

"As I'll ever be."

We walk through the gates and god the moment I've been dreading... isn't actually as bad as I thought it was. Yeah some people are giving us strange looks like why wouldn't they there is a new girl who happens to be dressed unusually.

She is wearing a green waterproof jumper with a few pockets on the arms, on the chest and on the sides. There is a chain round her neck attached to a leather guard on a strap going around her body that was covering her heart. The back combat trousers had several pockets and were pulled in at the waist with a belt and tucked into some black combat boots, another chain is attached to her trousers going from a belt loop at the ground to one at the back. Attached to her belt is a hunting knife in a holster it's sleek black handle showing.  Her hair was pulled up into a half up half down space bun style I don't know how to describe it I don't have enough hair to warrant knowing this stuff. Night certainly stands out from everyone else but not in a bad way she looks bad ass the terrifying but loving sister I know.

I walk slightly unground of her making a beeline for a larger group of people but before we got there our way was blocked.

<Nightmares POV>

I was following Dream to a group of people who I presume were his friends when my way was blocked by a couple boys. One was tall and kinda lanky but the other one was shorter than me and stocky neither looking particularly strong. I immediately dislike them and I'm not wholly sure why I just don't.

I notice Dream has stiffened his jaw clenching and fists balled up he looks like he is about to punch them which makes my diss like seem just.

"Hey baby what a pretty girl like you doing waisting your time with him?" He said pointing at Dream his voice just full of cocky-ness

" Back off she's with me. Now leave us in peace Sam you too Oscar we have done nothing to you. Yet" even though that last word was barely a whisper you could hear the anger in Dreams voice. ( it's not Awesamdude I'm basing these characters off of someone from school )

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