too bad the lava is fake

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My brother stabbed  akid with a pencil.Welcome to the Miller family,at this point we're criminals.My mom and Ginny are constantly argueing,I can't blame them.My besties now are my airpods,my phone and my skateboard,cause mom doesn't even care where I'm out now.Ginny told Hunter about everything that happened,two lovebirds.Ew.


"I'm sorry I'm just really distracted."I say as Abby is talking to me.

"My family's been really insane lately."I say.

"What's going on?"Abby asks. 

"Nothing much,my brother stabbed a kis with a pencil.Like full-on."I say and put m airpods in.

"Is he in therapy?"Abby asks and Ginny continues the conversation.


My friends are literally sending my brother to therapy,my aunt is crazy and my mom is always zoned out.The past few days have been trash.

"Fir!"Austin yells.

"Max,can I go to your house?"I ask.

"Nothing fun happens there."She says.

"I don't care."I say and she nods.


"What should I do about Sophie?"Max asks.

"I honestly dn't know."I say.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"She aks and I immediately close my phone.

"Kind of."I say.

"How was it?"She asks.

"Can we not talk abouit it."I say and she nods.

"So what's up with your fam?"Max asks.

"Apparentely Georgia has a sister I didn't know about."I say.

"Hey,loser.Dad said Mom's working late,so we're on our own for dinner tonight."Marcus says and walks in the room.

"You OK?"Marcus asks looking at me.

"Not really."I say.

"What's up?"He asks and sits next to me.

"None of your buisiness!"Max says.

"It's Ok.Georgia has a secret sister,my grandparents aren't dead apparentely,I have cousins and my brother fucking stabbed a kid with a pencil.It would be a great Netflix Show."I say.

"That sucks."Marcus says.

"Thank you.And when I ask Georgia about it she just ignores me,but I told her I don't care.I got bigger problems.I still want to know what's this all about."I sigh.

"Ask your aunt."Marcus says and I smile.He quickly pulls out pills while Max wasn't looking but I mouth a 'Sorry,no' and he nods.

"What do you want,Georgia?"I ask through the phone.

"Fine,I'm leaving now."I say and end the call.

"I have to watch Austin and my cousin,cause mommy is getting drunk."I say.

"I'm coming."Max says.

"Me too."Marcus says and we all leave.


"Don't touch the lava,and we're here!"Marcus exclaims as him and the other two boys get on the couch.

"Boys,if you had to choose between amonkey and a dog what would you choose?"Marcus asks.

"A monkey."They says.

"What if it was a girl monkey and a boy dog?"He asks again.

"A dog."

"Look,he found his intellectual equals."Max says and Marcus rolls his eyes at her.

My mom and aunt arrived,wasted as fuck and Max got the kids to eat ice cream.The adults went upstairs cause they definitely had to get some rest.

"You ok?"Marcus asks as we were alone in the living room.

"I hate her.She ruins everything."I say and wipe my eyes.

He looks deeply in my eyes but then he grabs my hand and pulls me on the floor.

"You're in lava."He says.

"Too bad the lava is fake."I say and at the exact same moment Paul enters.

We lead him to mom,cause they definitely needed some alone time.

"Thank you for coming today."I say.

"No problem."Marcus says and we both smile.

"Bye."I say.

"Good night."He replies and I close the door behind him


The next morning I wake up to the sound of argueing.I didn't want to go to school.Instead I called Zion and talked to him about everything.Austin and Caleb were with Ginny,but soon Caleb left with Maddie.I asked mom to stay home and she et me,but Ginny also came soon.

"What the hell happened in the morning?"I ask.

"Some family stuff."Ginny says.

"What are you doin back here."I ask.

"Come."She tells me.


Ginny and I found a gun and other random shit in mom's closet,after Georgia finally caught us.I'm done with all the secrets and all the bullshit.At the end of the day I just called dad,I miss him so much.

our little secret | ginny and georgia | marcus bakerWhere stories live. Discover now