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Author pov:
Ever since that day...Y/N was struck out of nowhere, facing harsh truths,lies,love,hatred, but mostly... confusion and sadness.

Y/N and Ranboo weren't talking as much as they used to. They slowly and slowly got more distant, not knowing the reason. Neither of them would speak up and ask why.

It broke Y/N's heart, seeing the love of their life drift away from their grip...slowly falling into the dark pit of sadness. They move the hair out of their eyes, as they go on their phone.

Y/N decides to text ranboo, to put an end to the silence.


Hey ranboo are you okay? we haven't been talking lately.

Y/N immediately shut off their phone, getting up to get some air. They didn't know why it was so pressuring to text him anymore, it made y/n sad. They climb up to their rooftop and lay there, admiring the city lights and beautiful scenery. It calmed them down.

They watched the people walk down the sidewalk, until their gaze was cast upon something heartbreaking. Ranboo, with a beautiful female. Perfect slim body, perfect brown hair. They're hands were interlocked as they were laughing.

-"just like we used to..."

Y/N started to tear up, quickly getting down from the rooftop, safely. They run into their room and fly onto the bed. Hot tears streamed down their face...their screams and cries echo throughout the apartment. It was unfair. What did they do wrong?

y/n opens up their phone, checking if he saw the message sent.


Hey ranboo are you okay? We haven't been talking lately.
read 2:23 pm.

Y/N broke. Overstimulation of the emotions, as they throw the phone at the wall, it shattering by the impact. They screamed all of the build up anger,hope,dread, everything they built up inside them, they screamed out. The one thing they wanted, they lost. What did y/n do wrong..?

-"unfair! unfair unfair unfair!"

They ended up crying themselves to sleep that night.

Ranboo Pov.

I tried to make new friends to get y/n off my mind. I was very certain i didn't have the slightest chance with them. But today i got a text from them. I tried opening it but this girl i met earlier snatched my phone. (let's call this girl....lilac)

-"focus on me if we're hanging out." she snarled.

-"ok..." i mumbled.

I walk by y/n's apartment complex, Seeing them on the roof. Lilac must have noticed, and she grabbed my hand. What the fuck? I tried to laugh it off. We passed the complex and i look back, y/n's not there.

No no no..god i'm an idiot. I should have talked it through. I should have thought throughly. Please i cant lose you now. Please....

-"RANBOO! are you even listening!?" lilac snapped.

-"I got to go, now."

Next thing you know, my legs move for themselves. I find myself running towards the apartment complex. I hear lilac screaming after me but i don't care, i need to see y/n.

Please don't go....

y/n please...


Author pov.

Ranboo runs up the apartment stairs and goes straight to y/n's door.


-"What do u need ranboo." a slight mumble heard from the door.

-"y/n please open the door...i need to explain. I know what your thinking i swear it's not like that. Please..."

reality crashed over ranboo like waves. he messed up badly. He could lose y/n...What was he thinking. all the hatred and regret piles up on him realizing how fucked up he thought he was. Ranboo falling to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

"y/n please... i'm begging you...you don't need to forgive me. Hate me all you want. Just PLEASE. let me explain!"

Ranboo runs his hands through his hair and grips it trying to control his emotions.

Y/N has never heard or seen ranboo cry...



I heard the sobs from outside my door, ranboo begging me to let him explain. I fling open my door and engulf him in a hug. I hate to see him cry.... 

-"please...don't cry, please.."

He hugs me as if the world was ending not wanting to let go, sobbing into my shoulder.I didn't want to let go. I rub his back as i hear him slowly calm down.

-"come on let's get inside."

We go up into my bedroom and i sit down across from him. He doesn't hesitate and starts explaining immediately.

-"y/n i thought i went too far with the gift and stuff like that so i stayed distant. We started to stop talking and i got worried, so i went and tried to find new friends. I met this girl who is over obsessed with me , she took my phone when i tried to text you back. We were walking past your apartment when i saw you on the roof, She saw me looking and forcefully made me grab her hand and made me laugh with her.  I immediately regret. I should have thought it through and talked to you about it. I'm really sorry you can hate me."


Should i forgive him...?


Would u forgive ranboo?


911 words

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