You rolled your eyes as he passed you the small box.

"Can we have pizza and chocolate tonight?"
"Is that your way of trying to tell me something?"
"Just that I want pizza and chocolate---cake."

When it came to rearranging the apartment, almost everything furniture wise stayed in the same spot. Although your collection of Ikea pieces were well loved, they didn't really fit into his decor. If you were being honest with yourself, they'd served their purpose. Who needs a makeshift wardrobe when you have a closet? Since becoming one household, Charlie had confided in you about what it was like the last time he moved in with someone and how he was determined not to let history repeat itself. With that in mind, over a couple of weekends, the two of you went shopping at the Brooklyn Flea in hopes of making his apartment feel more like your own home. You'd looked online for new bedding together and slowly but surely everything started coming together. New throw pillows and blankets for the sofa. A couple of new plants. New pieces of art that suited both of your tastes in addition to the pieces already taking up residence on the walls. What had been deemed your home since the beginning of your relationship was finally yours. Your spare keys were simply your keys now and Charlie's bed was merely where you slept next to the man you loved.

When it came time to discuss finances, however, Charlie was a little less willing to budge. It took some finagling on your part, but you found ways here and there to contribute to the household. You couldn't help that you paid some of your newly shared bills online or that you did it well before the due date so Charlie wouldn't notice. But after stocking the fridge and pantry a few times, Charlie caught on to the games afoot. You wore him down, both of you compromising and settling somewhere in the middle, but only after you promised there would be no talk of you paying rent. You weren't his roommate. You were his love. You lived there now and that was that.

That was nearly a month ago.

Summer was upon you. Production for Nicole's show was moving to Canada to film its upcoming season which meant Henry would be coming to stay. You were supposed to travel to LA for Charlie's summer with Henry, but with Sandra traveling abroad in an attempt to "get her groove back", Henry's coming to New York instead made perfect sense. When you first broke the news about your living situation, it had been over FaceTime and an accident, but nevertheless Henry handled it well. You might even say he looked forward to having your chocolate chip cookies at the ready whenever he wanted.

The day you picked Henry up from the airport truly felt like your little family was complete. Since the passing of his father, you could tell how much it meant to Charlie to be able to spend quality time with his son. He hadn't explicitly verbalized it, but you knew he was still grieving. His heart was heavy and it went without saying that he wanted to make the most of each day with Henry, reminiscing on old memories and making new ones whenever they could.

Family life suited you. Charlie made a point to include you in outings when your schedule allowed and so far the three of you had gone to museums together, taken in movies at the little AMC 6 on 19th St. E, and enjoyed picnics in the park. Henry's favorite day, however, was when the three of you trekked to Serendipity 3 for frozen hot chocolate. The sneaky little photo you took of Henry sporting a chocolate mustachioed grin was one you vowed yourself you'd frame for Charlie for Father's Day.

As it turned out, living together created quite the dialogue. This stemmed mostly from Henry's genuine curiosity getting the best of him...and of the two of you.

"So--where are you going to sleep?" Henry mused.

"In there," you replied, pointing to what Henry had always known as his father's bedroom. He wasn't blind to the fact you slept there normally, both in New York and in LA, but you supposed he sought confirmation seeing as you'd all be under one roof.

"The way Mommy and Carter share a room?"
"Is that because you're getting married?"
"Not yet."
"Charlie," you squeaked.
He turned to you, grimacing. "What? Am I wrong?"
You opened your mouth to refute his claims, but nothing came out.
"Are you two fighting?" Henry asked in a small voice.
"No." "No."

Happy Merry Everything (Charlie Barber)Where stories live. Discover now