"Yeah, you're right."

We stayed there for a couple more minutes, until I heard her lightly yawn, and we broke apart as I lead her back into her bed and told her a goodnight, before retreating back to my own bed, forgetting about the mugs still sitting on the counter.

For a couple minutes, I stared at the ceiling endlessly, as my eyes started to get heavy with sleep as I turned to my side and fall asleep, having my dreams filled with paradise and happiness.

The next morning, Sandra, Barbra, Evelyn, Martha, and I made our way to the funeral site.

As the driver drove us, I look out the window, looking at all the damage that was done to this island. Broken roofs, shattered glass, and yards filled with debris from the huts that were shot up or blown to pieces.

Every once in a while, thoughts of Betty and I's late talks filled my brain as we would both head to the kitchen to grab some ice cream and dishes, and talk about anything that came to our heads, or that was occupying it. We would talk for what felt like an eternity.

Subconsciously, I started to smile as the memories made me happy. This is what my heart felt like, before everything happened that caused it to have a baseball sized hole.

I wish I had something to fill that void with.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, I felt a gloved hand lightly touch mine, as I turn to see Evelyn giving me a sad smile.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked me.

I squeeze her hand back, and avert my gaze to my lap.

"I was thinking about the late night talks Betty and I had." I told her truthfully, and she squeezed my hand back in response.

"I remember waking up hearing quiet chatter and giggles, only to see you and Betty sitting on the couch, eating ice cream and talking about random things." She told me as I let out a light chuckle.

"I remember I woke up to the sound of screaming, and I rushed out of my room, to see the three of you, laughing like little girls."

We both snap our gaze to our left to see Sandra looking at us, with a small smile.

"I remember that. I remember being mad at you guys for ruining my beauty sleep." Martha added in.

"I remember running out of my room, thinking someone broke into the house, and came out with a shotgun that was in the closet." Barbra said as we all started to laugh.

Once our laughter died down, our smiles fell as reality slapped us in the face, as our happy rush only lasted for a second.

"I miss her." I whisper.

"We all do, hun," Barbra said. She then grabbed my hand. I look at her, with a tear falling down my cheek, "But we will never forget her."

The car stopped as we all got out of the vehicle, and walked into the open building, already seeing families, soldiers, and the priest there.

We all made our way to Betty's casket, and surrounded it. We then watched as Red, a grown man, look at Betty's casket and fall to his knees slowly, and start crying onto it.

I'll always love you (A 'Pearl Harbor' fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt