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A/N: vote+comment+drink water
You look so smoking hot rn you have no freaking idea bro

All the windows rolled down, Nova sticks an air out, as if trying to catch the wind. A large smile on her face, the wind blows through her hair, creating an angelic effect.

The fields of sunflowers rolled on in what seemed like an endless wave. Belting the words of the song that blasted in the car, Nova felt free.

"I love everybody
Because I love you
I don't need the city, and I
Don't need proof
All I need, darling
Is a life in your shape
I picture it, soft
And I ache
Look at you, strawberry blond"
-Strawberry Blonde

She was almost convinced that any second, the cool wind would allow her to take flight. There was no missing smiles on the faces of the three travelers.

Instead of his eyes becoming attached to the sea of yellow, Sapnap's eyes were glued to the sight of Nova. He believed that in the whole field of sunflowers, she shone the greatest.

Sapnap nodded his head to the beat of the song, relaxed in his seat. His phone on his lap, and a admiring smile on his face.

Dream drove on the dirt road with a hand on the wheel, the other resting out the window, on the side of the vehicle. A gentle smile claimed his expression, occasionally jumping into the song. He watched the girl with a few glances into the mirror every here and there.

Every so often, Dream would also spare a glance at Sapnap, always being met with the same awe stricken face while he observed Nova.

Dream had been slowly accepting and getting accustomed to the fact that he didn't have a chance with the girl he had supported and loved for years. If he was what she wanted, he was what she would get.

He had known Sapnap for years, and fully trusted him to keep Nova safe. On the other hand, Nova was walking on eggshells. She may allow herself to fall in love, but if she was willing to trust and commit was another question.

As the song comes to an end, Nova pulls the upper half of her body back into the car, slightly out of breath. The next song rolls in, Nova's face turns smug as she recognizes it.

She snaps her to face Sapnap, having two finger guns pointed at him. Breaking into song,

"So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep
Feel the morning through the blinds
I get to thinking bout your sun kissed face
And a quiet place where I could give you all my time"

Nova begins to dance in her seat, sort of wiggling in her seat. She shuts her eyes as her head is turned down while swaying to the positive song.

When Nova starts up again, Sapnap shyly chimes in. They two make eye contact while singing.

"Cause you're so lovely, you're so lovely
I can't help but fall for you, love
When you love me, it's so lovely loving you
Oh-oh, oh-oh
So lovely loving you
Oh-oh, oh-oh"

Realizing their hidden feelings for each other said in the song, the two abruptly turn the opposite way, looking anywhere but each other.

Nova goes red, placing a firm hand over her mouth. Sapnap the same color, he anxiously chews his lips.

Dream, who had been watching the scene play out, chuckles. "You guys are so cute together."

Nova's eyes widen, her face going two shades darker. In protest, she yells, "Eyes on the road, Dream!"

Sapnap chimes in, echoing her. "Yea! Eyes on the road!"

Dream playfully shoots back, "Boohoo."

Making it to their destination, Nova jumps out of the car. Stretching her arms and back, she carefully surveys the place. Memories of the younger her and Dream chasing each other by the small flowing river surface, along with many other pleasant memories tied to this location.

Being brought back from the trip down memory lane by Dream yelling for her, she turns back with a large smile.

She bounces over to the picnic they had set up. The stereotypical white and red blanket on the ground and a beautiful basket.

Sapnap worked carefully as he brought the foods out. Arranging them around the middle of the blanket, the three sat in a triangle formation.

Nova is the first to start munching her hands darting out to grab a chocolate covered strawberry.

Gasping, Sapnap dramatically cries out loud, before going to grab one for himself. He jokingly pouts and crosses his arms as he chews.

Dream on the other hand, went straight for the cake, cutting a large portion of it, and throwing it onto his plate. Nova notices, eyes widening. "What the FUCK? You took like a half of the damn cake!"

He cheekily grins in response, mouth full of the cake. Nova pouts, cutting a reasonable sized piece of cake.

Together, the group munched on the goodies, while chattering and pushing at each other.

Soon enough, Nova shoved the last chocolate covered strawberry and stood up, wiping her hands on a tissue.

After clearing her mouth, she declares loudly, "I'm going to go catch a fish."

Sapnap looks at her, questioning her sanity. "Where are you going to find a fish?"

Nova shrugs, already walking away. "The little river over there."

He gets up to follow her, throwing down his plate.

Dream shoots a dirty look at the two retreating figures, before shrugging. "At least I get the rest of this food. Chomp chomp bitch."

A/N: huge writers block mate
I hope you've drunken water now :::) a

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