"Why are your hands so cold?"

"I dunno, they just are."

We keep walking and then Albert lets go of my hand. 

"Are we there yet?"

"Yes we are, now open your eyes!"

I open them and I see this:

"Its pretty!"

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"Its pretty!"

"I know right."

We sat down and just started talking and drank our smoothies. It was pretty fun but of course all good things must come to an end. 


We ran back to the car and got inside. Both our clothes and hair were dripping wet. And since I didn't except it to rain, I didn't bring an umbrella, or an actual jacket. And I just realized my socks are WET! While my thoughts were racing Albert handed me something.


It was a folded piece of clothing so I unfolded it. It was a red hoodie. I looked up at Albert hoping he'd explain why he gave it to me.

"You were shaking, I thought you were cold, so I gave you a hoodie."

"Yeah, but, you're also shaking."

"I know, but it'll dry out faster than your jean jacket."

"Well thank you!"

We start driving back to my house and just joke around. Once we pull up to my place the rain was calming down a little bit. Just a little though. We go inside and just chill on my couch watching Netflix. We eat some snacks and I check the time.

"Oh its 7:55"

"We should get ready to leave."


We throw away our trash and get in Albert's car. After 5 minutes of driving we arrived at school. we both get out and walk through the doors. At this point it was a fairly light rain but not drizzling, about to the point where I needed an umbrella. 

"Alright later Albert!" "Bye y/n!"

I go over to my locker and see Jessica. She looked like she was irritated so I go over to see what was wrong.

"Hey Jess, whats wrong?"

 "You are!"


Jess has never said anything like that which was weird, and what was even weirder was she was rarely ever mad. I guess i really must've made her upset. 

"We were supposed to meet at the park at 7! Then when you didn't show up I started to call you but you didn't answer!

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I forgot because, Albert-"

"That's it."


"That's the reason you haven't been calling me, or hanging out with me, or texting me back."

"Look Jess I didn't mean to blow you off! I just forgot I'm sorry what can I do to make it up to you?"

"I dunno maybe hang out with me more?"

"Um wanna hang out on Saturday?"

"Sure, but you better not blow me off this time."

"I promise not to."

"Alright later y/n."

"Bye Jess."

Man I totally forgot about the park. I feel so stupid. After I open my locker and get some stuff out, the bell rang. I walk to history still thinking about what happened. 

-small time skip-

I get to history and sit down in the back. The teacher starts talking about something about one the wars, but I really couldn't care less. I should've been paying attention because due to my lack of attention I ended up falling asleep.  I was peacefully sleeping till I felt something being sprayed on me. 


My head shoots up, and I look around to see who had done it. Surprise surprise it was the populars! I see Leah holding the fire extinguisher and everyone else just laughing. I never felt so humiliated before. I get up and run out of class. I ran as fast as I could, I didn't know where I was going, I just ran. While I was running I heard people laughing and snickering, and I wasn't really paying attention so something was bound to happen. 

I had run into someone. Just my luck. Today was a not so good day. I fell to the ground, and hit my elbow. I look up to see who I had ran into. It was


Hello people of wattpad who are unfortunately reading this mess of a story. Sorry that this chapter isnt very good. ALSO its my birthday tomorrow (march 16)! Uh thank you for bearing with me and dont forget to take a nap, drink water, and have a snack. Take care!

word count: 1095

-serpent <3

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠: ᵃˡᵇᵉʳᵗ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя