ch 5 || consequences..

185 6 2

y/n pov

After saying bye to albert i walk to my first class which is history. I sit down next to Jessica since we share this class. The class starts and honestly it felt like it was never gonna end. After what felt like an eternity the bell rang. I was still walking with Jessica so i turned to her and asked, "Hey Jess do you want to sit somewhere else during lunch?" "with who?" "uh a dude named albert" "yeah i don't want to have to deal with dan" "alright"

You walk to your next class which was art. I actually like art its pretty fun but my favorite is f/s. (favorite subject) Anyways when i got there i sat down at one of the tables then the teacher walked in. She said that we were going to paint our idol/inspiration. 

I got really excited when she said that. But then i realized my idol was Flamingo and he hasn't done a face reveal yet. So it would be very difficult to paint him. As soon as she finished talking  someone comes bursting through the door.

It was albert..

The teacher looked over to him. "Mr. Aretz why are you late?" "I uh over slept.." she raised and eyebrow "alright but next time try to wake up on time" "yes ma'am" 

He sat down next to you. You giggled and asked, "did you really over sleep?" "Yea.." "you know i don't believe you" "its hard to explain" "alright then" you take out a pencil and start sketching. "hey uh what are we doing?" he whispered to you and you whispered back "we're painting our idol/inspiration" "oh ok" 

I was drawing his youtube icon. Albert noticed what i was drawing. "hey isn't that Flamingo's icon?" "yup! i really admire him a lot!" "thats really sweet of you to say" "well i mean i think hes pretty sick"

albert's pov

I smiled a bit after y/n said that. She really didn't have to say such nice things. Anyways I was drawing Dan and Arin from GameGrumps. I personally didn't really like it but y/n said "wow thats really cool dude!" "thanks" 

I wish i could tell her that i was flamingo. But i can't i need to build more trust with her. I only met her 3 days ago. Also i dont want her to use me for attention. I finished my sketch and took out the paint and started on the background. After awhile of painting (and struggling) I finished the background and i was reaching for the brown but then i felt something.

y/n pov

i was done with the sketch and was going to paint the hair so i reach for the brown but then i felt a hand on top on mine. I look to my side and see albert who's face was redder than a cherry. I blush and giggle "uh sorry you can use it first" "no you can" "thanks" i give the paint to albert and start on the flamingo instead.

After what was like another 25 minutes the bell rang. I got up and threw my backpack over my shoulder. "later aretz!" "cya in math!" you walk out and to your locker. You open it and you get some stuff out and leave some sticky notes in it to remind yourself of important things.

After you close it you hear foot steps. You look to the right and see a very angry Leah, Kirsten, and Dan. You freeze you try to turn around and to walk away but they catch up and Dan turns you around.  

"really y/n? you're ignoring us to hang out with that brown haired loser?!" Kirsten rolled her eyes and Leah said, "it really is such a shame" My lips were shaking more than a volcano erupting. "Aww is the little baby gonna cry?" Leah and Dan snicker while Kirsten Smirks at me mischievously. 

My eyes got very watery. Everything became a blur and i felt so angry and betrayed yet sad and hurt at the same time. I blacked out and when i came back to earth Dan was on the ground with a bloody nose and my fist out.

Everyone was looking at us. I panicked but my body was parallelized in fear. Sooner or later the principle came out and made me, Dan, Leah, Kirsten, and some other people go to his office. Me and Dan sat down while everyone else stood. "Ms. l/n what on earth happened?!" Before i could talk Dan quickly said, "She punched me for no good reason!" "Is this true y/n?" "not at all! Those 3 were making fun of me for hanging out with someone  else who they also bullied!" The principle Shot eyes to Kirsten, Dan, and Leah.

"Is this true?" They of course denied it. "Alright then y/n you will be suspended for the next 3 days." "But wait we didn't ask what those guys saw!" "Very well. What did you guys see?" 

Person 1: "Kirsten,Dan, and Leah were bullying y/n and then one thing lead to the next then BAM! She punched Dan."

Person 2: "It did look like bullying to me and i do get why y/n punched him"

Person 3: "Yeah they were bullying her AND i know who else they were bullying. It was Albert Aretz. Leah punched him but tried to punch y/n but Albert saved her. But it wasn't just these 3, Jake Green was also involved."

The principle was shocked "IS THIS TRUE?!" He looked at Leah, Kirsten, Dan. "We- I- uhh-" "Thats what i thought. Y/n You get detention after class today and as for you guys." He turned to me and said "Y/n can you go get Jake? He is currently in history." 

I nod and go out. After walking a bit i made it to his class. I knocked on the door and the teacher opened the door "Hello y/n what brings you here?" "uh the principle wants to see Jake" "ok ill tell him" A few seconds later hes out in the hall with me.

"so what does the principle want?" "he didn't tell me anything just to get you." the rest of the walk back was silent. Not to long after we came back to the office. "Mr. Green please take a seat." "Y/n you can go to class." You nod and leave.

When you get to class you open the door and most of the class looks up at you. You go to the back and sit down this class is Spanish. You ask the person next to you what you were doing they responded "We are reviewing what we remember" 

After working for like 35 minutes the bell rang which meant..




since its February i might do a valentines day special depending on how fast i can write these chapters. It will be very cool B) my sleep schedule it completely ruined. Drink some water, have a snack, take a nap, and take care of yourself!    

word count :1126

-serpent <3

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