ch 6 || here we go again..

171 6 7


y/n pov

I walk out of class and go to the cafeteria. You look around for Albert but behind you, you hear "Hey y/n!" "oh hey Jess" after looking around a bit more you see Albert in the distance waving. You grab Jessica's wrist and drag her over to Albert's table.

"Hi Albert!" "Hello" "Jess this is Albert" "Sup" "Uh y/n this is Kaden" "hi" "hello Kaden" 

We all sat down and started eating but after a bit of eating someone grabs my arm and pulls me out of my seat which sends me tumbling to the floor. I look up and see 

the populars 

They snicker at me. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I've never heard Albert this angry before. And since I believe hes Flamingo I've never heard him this angry at a noob. "Aww he's trying to his girlfriend again! How sweet" Man I never wanted to rip Leah's pink hair so badly off her scalp.

They were arguing back and forward. I got up and said, "lets go..." I wanted to cry so badly. Even though they were mean to me, I still felt like i was missing something. After awhile of walking we sat at another table.

I was so lost in thought that I din't realize that tears were streaming down my face. "Y/n are you ok?" Albert look at you with a worried expression. "Uh yeah i'm fine" You force a small smile."Hey i'm gonna go to the bathroom" 

You get up and speed walk to the bathroom. You sit in a stall and cry there. After awhile of sitting in the bathroom you here the bell ring. You get out and wash your face then head of to math.

When you get there you sit in the back right in the same spot where you met Albert. He turns around and asks you a question, "hey you alright? You where gone for awhile" "yeah i'm okay."

He smiled sympathetically at me and turned to face the front of the class.  I was taking notes and wrote down an example. "If 4 to the power of 'x' - 35 = 989 then what is 'x'" I personally found this to be easy. However some people didn't.

"Y/n can you explain this to me? I don't really get it." "Yeah i can explain it!" After explaining it for awhile Albert understood it but still wanted some extra practice so I offered to help him. "Thanks y/n!" 

I smiled at him and he smiled back. The bell rang so i got up to go to my last class for today. I walk out the door and try to talk with Kaden. "Hi!" "Hey y/n" "How are you?" "I'm doing good" The conversation was awkward. You guys didn't really talk much after that.

After a very awkward moment you reach the doors and started to walk home. While walking it felt like i was being watched. I turn behind me and see Albert on his phone. He looked up and we made eye contact. 

I looked away a little embarrassed. He catches up to you and says, "Hello!" "Hey Albert" "Thanks again for helping me with math." "No problem!" We walk up to my house and I open the door. "Let me just get a drink real quick then we can start" "Okay!" "Do you want anything to drink?" "Yeah can i get a water?" "Sure!"

After helping him and explaining it to him, he understood it. "I get it now!" "That's good!" "Well thank you for helping me! I have to go now ill see you tomorrow y/n." You smiled at him and he smiled back. "Bye Albert." 

After he left I went upstairs and started on my work. 

~time skip~

After working for awhile I take my phone and check the time. 10:30 "dang" I get up and go get changed. I flop on my bed and go on my phone. After like 45 minutes of doing nothing productive I eventually pass out.

SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG! i just couldn't write properly. Writers block smh. So uh maybe im not gonna do a valentines chapter.... or am i? teehee. so have a good day and take care :D (also sorry this is a shorter chapter)

word count: 670

-serpent <3

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