2. PB and Bulbasaur!

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As Peak and Eve were walking to the laboratory they could hear people arguing loudly. Maybe they were the two that the boy had seen earlier. And when they entered the place... Yes, It was them.

Inside there was also Professor Oak and three pokeballs, with the girl looking at them, and the guy looking at her a little angry. He didn't seem patient at all.

"Oh! Welcome trainers! I am Professor Oak!" The man presented himself before adding "I'm sorry, but if you want a pokemon you'll have to wait a little, these two are choosing them" He pointed at the kids again

"Are you done yet? I don't need to be greedy like you PB, Go on and choose already!" The boy exclaimed, the girl with short black hair looked at him annoyed.

"I am having my time. be patient. Geeze..." She went back to look at the three Pokeballs.

". . . So, what are we going to do? They have two pokemon, so only one of us will have the remaining one" Eve said to Peak, but he was already distracted by the other chick, PB, he was curious to see whom will she choose as her partner.

. . .

After some more seconds of silence PB nodded her head and grabbed the third last pokeball with a leaf printed on the outside

"She chose Bulbasaur..." Peak said in a whisper, loud enough for Eve to hear him, she looked at him with a smirk oh her face. Until the girl turned and had just noticed them.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't noticed you, I'm Pibi, but as you heard, people call me PB." She smiled while patting her pokeball. Professor Oak nodded and looked at Pibi.

"That is an amazing Pokemon you chose, Bulbasaur is one of the many pokemon people tend to ignore, I am happy you chose him! Would you like to give it a nickname?"

PB looked at the pokeball once more after saying "Gooye" Oak nodded while Eve tried to contain her laughter, while patting Peak on his shoulder.

"S-She also gave him a funny name Peak!" Eve kept laughing to herself, both Eevee AND Pikachu had laughed a little too, Peak blushed in embarrassment once again.

"OH COME ON- IT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY" He said in a loud voice, before he heard PB giggle too, making him blush even harder.

"Okey, move out of the way I am choosing Charmander, he is powerful against a plant type!" The other kid said, PB shrugged a little.

"I really don't care on which pokemon you chose Deivi, if you love them enough, they will be your partners no matter what" PB smiled at the other kid. Deivi just sighed and looked away.

"It matters to me, I will win the Pokemon League!" He said while walking out of the lab. PB seemed a bit sad 

"I didn't got to battle him..." She looked at her pokeball and took the pokemon out of it, the small seed pokemon was taking a nap. Oak smiled and said:

"Oh! This bulbasaur has been here for a long time, since most people are choosing Charmander and the rivals Squirtle, Bulbasaur has been here for approximately a week or so" PB crouched down and patted the pokemon on the head, making it wake up and look at her, she smiled happily.

"Hi! I'm PB! You are Gooye the Bulbasaur right?" The Bulbasaur seemed confused at first but when PB kept petting hm, the seed pokemon knew she was going to be his trainer. "It is amazing to meet you! We will make an amazing teams!" Gooye seemed to have small tears of happiness, it was going to be the first adventure with someone!




*PB Received Bulbasaur!




Age: 15


Gooye/Bulbasaur: (Lv: 5) (Male)






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